Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Remote workers looking to relocate in a post-COVID-19 era
The pandemic has led many companies to re-strategise their working practices, with remote working now the norm in a vast number of industries. In this article, we’ll look at reasons why people are choosing to relocate, as well as some of the details of what the process might involve.
Opinion by " Daniel Groves
Remote workers looking to relocate in a post-COVID-19 era
The importance of scalability when growing a global team
If your business goals include entering new markets, establishing multiple domestic and international entities, and growing your profits, then it’s time to consider scalability. Business scalability is a necessary part of adapting to company changes successfully as you grow, meet, and exceed your goals.
Opinion by " Nick Adams
The importance of scalability when growing a global team
NFT's are here to stay
This was the common theme at Christie’s Art + Tech Summit, titled NFTs and Beyond. This July 15th event, which was held both virtually and physically at Christie’s in Manhattan’s Rockefeller plaza, featured a super eclectic group of panellists and covered the landscape of the new talk of the town: NFTs.
Portfolio by " Ben Yurcisin
NFT's are here to stay
International expansion, company culture and post-pandemic trends with Silicon Valley Bank UK branch's Sonya Iovieno
As life slowly returns to a new post-pandemic normal, startups are looking at how to excel in this uncertain, unknown territory. Maddyness UK spoke to Sonya Iovieno, head of venture & growth at Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) UK Branch, about pinpointing job specifications, the key to success in overseas growth, and the sudden uptick in digital adoption.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
International expansion, company culture and post-pandemic trends with Silicon Valley Bank UK Branch’s Sonya Iovieno
Count on the cloud: protect your data in the post-pandemic world
Starting up a new business in the pandemic and post-pandemic world can be daunting. After the uncertainty of the past 18 months and the changes that the global crisis has made to everyone’s daily lives, now is the perfect time to take a step back, and look at how your business is using – and protecting – its most critical asset: data.
Opinion by " Jonathan Bowl
Count on the cloud: Protect your data in the post-pandemic world
NOTWICS: The magic of investor relations, launching startups and post-pandemic predictions with founder Chris Lowe
Maddyness UK gets to know Chris Lowe, CEO and founder of investor relations consultancy NOTWICS, discussing his fascinating career to date, his views on the venture capital world and the industries he’s excited to see boom.
Decoding by " Chris Lowe
NOTWICS: The magic of investor relations, launching startups and post-pandemic predictions with founder Chris Lowe
Startup success can hinge on one subtle difference
In a recent issue of Teaching Startup, I answered an entrepreneur’s question about how to increase customer demand and turn that demand into repeatable sales. Here we look at how customer want becomes customer need becomes customer demand.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Startup success can hinge on one subtle difference
All trains are green? It’s not that simple
The fast roll-out of electric vehicles in the United Kingdom means the £100B ($139B) highspeed railway network HS2 won’t have any environmental benefits, a report by think thank Institute for Government has found.
Opinion by " Anja Pries
All trains are green? It’s not that simple
Startups are the best route to change in the fertility sector
I’d already dedicated over a decade of my career to working in fertility laboratories and clinics when I decided to leave them behind. Or, more accurately, when I realised that the only way to drive the urgent change needed within the sector was to approach it from a different angle.
Opinion by " David O’Rourke
Startups are the best route to change in the fertility sector
MaddyFeed brings you a roundup of the IPCC report and what companies can do to cut emissions
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This week, we're talking about key takeaways from the IPCC report and what companies and financial services need to do to reduce carbon emissions.
News by " Maddyness UK
Innovation in technology and business models, a profile of Notion
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Kamil Mieczakowski and Stephanie Opdam, Principles at Notion.
Portfolio by " Kamil Mieczakowski & Stephanie Opdam
Innovation in technology and business models, a profile of Notion
Sustainable solutions encouraged across London businesses with The Mills Fabrica's new store
In a bid to encourage sustainable innovation and business solutions, The Mills Fabrica has opened a new concept store and work space in London’s King’s Cross this month.
News by " Maddyness UK
Sustainable solutions encouraged across London businesses with The Mills Fabrica's new store
Sextech, agetech and dog food deliveries in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Retail intelligence is more important than ever: A Q&A with EDITED cofounders, Geoff Watts and Julia Fowler
As services, shops and venues closed and people turned online, online shopping accelerated at an alarming rate. Retailers had to react quickly not only to the move to solely online purchasing and increased demands for a positive digital experience, but also new trends washing over the sphere of fashion, retail and homeware.
Decoding by " Geoff Watts & Julia Fowler

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