Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
No more Dr. Google: Meet Medwise, the AI powered clinical information platform that could revolutionise healthcare
Maddyness UK spoke to Keith Tsui, CEO and cofounder at Medwise, about his personal journey from doctor to cofounder, the AI platform changing the way clinicians research medical information, and the impact of COVID-19 on the world of healthtech.
Portfolio by " Maddyness, with Wayra
Eat more plants – UK advised to support alternative proteins
The UK should increase its support of alternative protein research, which currently stands at £90M ($125M), in order to help combat climate change, according to a report from think-tank the Social Market Foundation.
Portfolio by " Katie Chan
Eat more plants – UK advised to support alternative proteins
Raising finance isn’t a one way street: here’s how to choose your investors wisely
Despite the pandemic throwing multiple industries and businesses into jeopardy, figures show that almost 20,000 tech startups launched in 2020 – and this sustained level of innovation and creativity brought with it a flurry of cash from sharp-eyed investors.
Opinion by " Namrata Sandhu
Raising finance isn’t a one way street: here’s how to choose your investors wisely
Tech for hospitals, online tutors and sustainable fintechs are on the menu in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Tech Nation welcomes 32 climate tech companies to its second Net Zero programme
Tech Nation has added 32 climate tech companies into its Net Zero 2.0, the second iteration of the Net Zero programme. Net Zero 2.0 is the first government-backed programme designed to support the most promising climate tech companies to accelerate the UK’s path to net zero.
News by " Maddyness UK
Tech Nation welcomes 32 climate tech companies to its second Net Zero programme
5 tips to prevent VR sickness, ginger beer could be the cure
As we head into the colder months, the demand for indoor entertainment soars. Cue this generation's latest trend: the VR headset. Year on year, demand has soared by 240% in the UK. However, those of us who suffer from motion sickness may be worried about the impacts…
Tools by " Maddyness UK
5 tips to prevent VR sickness, ginger beer could be the cure
Why tech needs more female founders and diverse teams
The internet is by its very nature open and diverse. It is expansive and its potential is infinite. New technologies are often designed to solve problems, but when the people leading this space have a myopic view, both the tech and its users suffer.
Opinion by " Jenny Tsai
Why tech needs more female founders and diverse teams
What are the booming digital jobs for a growing globalised workforce?
In a growing tech world, it’s hard to get it wrong with digital jobs. Computer and technology-related jobs are some of the most flexible options you have. Even during a pandemic, working in a digital environment makes you valuable in any business. UK and EU businesses are quickly adapting to a global workforce, so digital jobs are the future.
Opinion by " Bash Sarmiento
What are the booming digital jobs for A growing globalised workforce?
What's your tagline? As Don Draper put it: 'Make it simple, but powerful.'
Over the last couple of weeks, I had a bunch of first calls with entrepreneurs to discuss their ventures. It struck me that most of them immediately jumped into the 'what', explaining the product they are building, instead of focusing first on the 'why', the problem they are solving. By doing so, they force those listening to figure out the big picture challenge they are solving themselves. Not only will those listening be distracted by that looming 'why' question, they might also come up with the wrong answer to that question, and get lost.
Opinion by " Yannick Oswald
What's your tagline?
IoT: An Internet of Threats?
The Internet of Things promises an advanced environment where every object is intelligent and connected. However, are these devices secure? What security risks do they pose, and how can businesses and individuals alike take advantage of IoT safely and securely?
Decoding by " David Howell
IoT: An Internet of Threats?
How food can support acquisition and team retention
For the last few months, businesses have been focusing on the logistics of transitioning to hybrid working, sorting out new technology and office locations, and as we now settle into our new normal, it is time for businesses to turn their attention to their next challenge - retaining and acquiring top talent.
Opinion by " Alex Jones
How food can support acquisition and team retention
Startup funding always comes with this catch
In a recent issue of Teaching Startup, I answered a question from a second-time entrepreneur about accepting venture capital funding that would ultimately put his product on a different path than the one he believes will make his startup a billion-dollar company.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Startup funding always comes with this catch
The value of adding new revenue streams to your business
Neil Taylor, head of direct partner sales at Gamma, discusses the company’s Dealer Partner model, diversifying a business offering to maximise revenue, and the big changes coming to the industry in 2025.
Decoding by " Maddyness, with Gamma
The value of adding new revenue streams to your business
Companies need digital solutions to survive but grapple with new security challenges
The pandemic has accelerated the need for companies to adopt digital solutions. Recent research from OnePoll and 3stepIT found that 70% of businesses across the UK and Europe have now adopted digital transformation strategies.
News by " Abby Wallace

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