Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Met Police lose nearly 2300 electronic devices in just two years
Law firms are calling for formal investigation as The Met Police admit to misplacing nearly 2300 laptops, mobile phones and iPads in two years.
News by " Abby Wallace
Met Police lose nearly 2300 electronic devices in just two years
What you need to know about the spread of facial recognition technology
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This week, we're talking about the introduction of facial recognition software in UK schools, and the security concerns linked to this technology.
Decoding by " Abby Wallace
What you need to know about the spread of facial recognition technology
The challenge and opportunity of ESG reporting for SMEs
The issue of sustainability is in the spotlight like never before. 64% of respondents to a global survey carried out by the UN described climate change as an emergency; one that required decision-makers to step up on their ambitions. And with the UK due to host the COP26 summit in November, two thirds of the British public want the country to become a world leader on climate change.
Opinion by " Jessica Camus
Simple steps for SMEs starting in sustainability
5D mapping, plant-based food and recruitment software in this week's MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Why Facebook’s content moderation system doesn’t work
Facebook and its apps have come under fire for allowing toxic content to cause harm across its platforms. Despite Facebook’s denial that its platforms do not benefit from harmful content and proactively remove it, toxic information is still spreading rapidly across the platforms.
News by " Abby Wallace
Why Facebook’s content moderation system doesn’t work
The decision maker and the invisible man
This week, my insights and reflection come from a lunch with a special someone I used to sell to when I was a rep. As the CTO of a large group, his perspective on sellers is not only stimulating, it also offers precious insights to all the smaller and bigger companies out there.
Tools by " Caroline Franczia
The decision maker and The Invisible Man
How SMEs can learn from one economic downturn to prepare for the next
Do you know that sinking feeling you get when your business starts to slow down, or worse yet, stop? You’ve invested time and money into this venture, so the last thing you want to happen is for it all to come crumbling down.
Tools by " Jordan Bishop
How SMEs can learn from one economic downturn to prepare for the next
How healthcare’s digital revolution will change the doctor’s role. Spoiler alert: The future looks pretty bright
In 2020, Stanford Medicine postulated the Rise of the Data-Driven Physicians in a global health trend report. Indeed, they are on the rise and we, authors of this article and medical doctors ourselves, can confirm this first-hand in our collaborations with various physicians. The new reality for doctors very much differs from that of the traditional monolithic role associated with the title, and in these new diverse positions, we are transforming healthcare innovation.
Decoding by " Anne Latz, Sven Jungmann & Andreas Ringmann
How healthcare’s digital revolution will change the doctor’s role
ESG in Venture Capital - How are early stage investors using ESG metrics to screen and support investments?
Responsible investing has swept across the investment industry over the last decade and we have seen a rise in funds looking to drive more than just financial returns - whether that be across reducing carbon emissions, increasing diversity amongst business owners, or investing in more sustainable business models.
Decoding by " Jordan Fletcher
What’s stifling startup growth?
We are currently experiencing a small business boom in the UK. The number of new small businesses registered in the third quarter of 2020 rose 30% compared with 2019 – the largest increase since 2012. On top of that, driven by the pandemic, e-commerce revenues across Europe jumped by 30% to a record $465B in 2021, a number which is expected to reach almost $570B by the end of 2025.
Opinion by " Asher Ismail
What’s stifling startup growth?
Top tech tips for hiring talent on the road to Net Zero
As the world transitions to green energy and renewables, businesses must now look at their hiring strategies to attract the green talent needed to drive the agenda on the road to net-zero. Workforce priorities are shifting and to remain an option for green talent, promises to commit simply can’t be empty.
Opinion by " Andrew Conway
Top tech tips for hiring talent on the road to Net Zero
When it comes to biometrics, are our bodies the best tool to protect privacy?
Using biometrics as a means of identification and authentication has been rapidly evolving. As consumers increase their use of digital channels and platforms, protecting their privacy and personal data is critical.
Decoding by " David Howell
When it comes to biometrics, are our bodies the ultimate tool to protect our privacy and personal data?
Fundraising event for female founders to go ahead next month
A fundraising event for female founders across the UK will take place in November. Playfair Capital, Tech Nation and Google for Startups will launch their Female Founders Office Hours initiative, bringing together 300 female founders ready to make connections and fundraise.
News by " Abby Wallace
Fundraising event for women founders to go ahead next month
Are you 100% sure your startup needs funding?
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is chasing money you don’t need. In a recent Teaching Startup (#71), I answered a question from an entrepreneur about whether to fortify his bootstrap approach with crowdfunding or angel investment, or go right into a venture capital raise.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Are you 100% sure your startup needs funding?

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