Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
7 bad habits you should break to be more productive
There's no question that successful entrepreneurs have a lot of discipline. But even the most disciplined people sometimes have a hard time being productive. But here's a secret, though: being productive isn't that hard. It's all about breaking bad habits and establishing good ones. Sound too simplistic? It's not.
Tools by " Jordan Bishop
7 bad habits you should break to be more productive
Supporting an ally: What can the tech world do in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
As Russia began its invasion of Ukraine in the early hours of February 24th, many in Britain started to think about how support could be lent to the Ukrainians. What has been done, what is being done, and what can be done by the tech sector to support Ukraine? 
Opinion by " Jamie Walker
Supporting an ally: What can the tech world do in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine?
How can remote working help employees find their dream home?
The journey to work has always influenced people’s property-buying decisions. How many times have you viewed a property only to exclude it on the basis of an excessively long commute?
Opinion by " Richard Eagling
Can you get a mortgage as a new small business owner?
Micro-display LEDs, DLT identity verification, and an overseas relocation service on this week’s MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Why investment in the pharmaceutical supply chain has never been more important
The pandemic has shown us how intrinsic technology has become to both our professional and personal lives. Whether it be video conferencing tools, or grocery ordering apps, without the technology, lockdowns around the world would have been a very different story.
Opinion by " Richard Ettl
Why investment in the pharmaceutical supply chain has never been more important
How to use video effectively in your business
The much-publicised firing via video link of 900 employees by a US company speaks volumes about how business have a long way to go to understand how to use remote video for key employee communications. What are the protocols? Or is the shift to remote mass working illustrating where in-person communications must be maintained?
Tools by " Dave Howell
How to use video effectively in your business
The rise of boring: Why investors have become so enamoured with the dull and mundane
If the past 30 years have shown us anything, it’s that with the start of a new decade comes the start of a new era of technology. Personal computing enabled the web and the web empowered mobile computing. The ubiquity of devices and the swathes of data they create fuelled cloud computing, and as we move through 2021, we’re entering the next era of deep tech.
Decoding by " Vicky Woollaston
Tech Orb Unsplash
New report reveals the most effective strategies for boosting diversity in tech
An annual benchmarking report from 580 tech employers highlights how investment in D&I data systems, setting and measuring D&I targets, and gathering employee feedback are making a tangible difference to driving diversity and inclusion in the tech sector.
News by " Maddyness UK
Tech Talent Charter annual Diversity in Tech report reveals the most effective strategies for boosting ethnic and gender diversity in the sector
Meet Serkan Ferah, founder of automated pitch deck builder PitchSpace
Serkan Ferah tells Maddyness UK about protecting his unique ideas from competitors, launching an investment round this year and the power of the pitch.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Meet Serkan Ferah, founder of automated pitch deck builder PitchSpace
Tech to save time - time for what?
Many of us are marketing the digitisation of data as a time-saving phenomenon, but why is saving time actually useful? Will automation steal our jobs? Should we be worried or excited?
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
Tech to save time - time for what?
What should employers know about the end of the tax year?
As the end of the 2021/22 tax year approaches, the pressure is on for finance departments looking for a smooth sailing into the next. The key to an easy transition is knowing the important key dates for year-end tasks to avoid penalties from HMRC.
News by " Maddyness, with Payfit
What should employers know about the end of the tax year?
The future of finance has to be fun… and social
Money should be exciting and rewarding, shouldn’t it? The emergence of neobanks can be thanked for the digitalisation of personal finance, the ease of banking from a click of a button and a transfer at the drop of a hat. They’ve helped us with financial budgeting, tracking and the management of money - anytime and almost anywhere. Yet it's a dread for many and a bore for most.
Opinion by " Michael Wilkinson
The future of finance has to be fun… and social
Meet PEEQUAL, the company that wants to get rid of women’s toilet queues
We spoke to Amber Probyn and Hazel McShane, founders of the UK’s first standalone, touch-free women’s urinals startup PEEQUAL, about their ambitions for the startup, their recent successful funding round, and their quest to halve women's toilet queues at big events.
Portfolio by " Jamie Walker
Meet PEEQUAL, the company that wants to get rid of women’s toilet queues
MaddyFeed: What you need to know about the UK economy's inflationary pressure
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This week, we're talking about the tide of inflationary pressure that is sweeping the UK, with the Consumer Price Index reaching its highest level for almost 30 years.
Portfolio by " Jamie Walker
MaddyFeed brings you what you need to know about the UK economy's inflationary pressure

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