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Closing the financial literacy gender-gap, supercharging the UK’s net-zero journey, and scalable graphene manufacturing in this week’s MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
The key to embedding ESG in your DNA
The fight against climate change is no longer only within the purview of environmental activists. As the deleterious effects on the environment become more apparent, more actors in the public and private sectors – including governments and businesses – are taking practical steps to protect the environment.
Opinion by " Morrison & Foerster
Meet Toqio, the digital finance platform and marketplace
For our quick-fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Eduardo Martinez, CEO and co-founder of Toqio, about its mission to make it easy for any business to create financial products.
Portfolio by " Eduardo Martinez
How fintech Statrys is boosting the SME Hong Kong revolution
It’s no surprise that when we think about Hong Kong, our minds conjure images of skyscrapers, banks and ships full of goods trying to make their way through to mainland China. While it’s still true to this day, soon our preconceptions of Hong Kong might be changing to scenes of fresh startup companies, young agile engineers and smart devices in every home.
News by " Maddyness, with Statrys
How fintech Statrys is boosting the SME Hong Kong revolution
Paris Fashion Week opened by immersive tech startup Stage11
Stage11, a Paris-based technology startup, has collaborated with the Institut Français de la Mode (IFM) to open Paris Fashion Week.
Portfolio by " Maddyness UK
Paris Fashion Week opened by immersive tech startup, Stage11
Manufacturing in the metaverse
Virtual twins allow for hybrid digital and physical manufacturing. Can they help green one of the world’s most polluting industries?
Decoding by " Florence Wildblood
Manufacturing in the metaverse
Meet Luisa Alemany, academic director of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Private Capital at LBS
As Storm Eunice raged across London, Maddyness spoke to Luisa Alemany, academic director of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Private Capital at London Business School, about how business schools can play a vital role in any tech ecosystem.
Portfolio by " Jamie Walker
Building an Ecosystem: Meet Luisa Alemany, Academic Director of the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Private Capital at London Business School
Why has the Nordic tech ecosystem been so successful?
The Nordics has been one of the fastest growing tech startup hubs in recent years, with a number of unicorns to its name already. So how has the region managed to punch above its weight on the global stage?
Decoding by " Simon Lovick
Why has the Nordic tech ecosystem been so successful?
The pandemic and rethinking the four Cs of marketing
Marketers have had to rethink the way they communicate during the pandemic. Katja Gagen of investment firm TCV shares what that’s meant for her and the job she does for her company and its portfolio company community.
Portfolio by " Katja Gagen
The pandemic and rethinking the four Cs of marketing
Meet Solivus, the startup rolling out the next generation of solar power
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Jo Parker-Swift, CEO at Solivus about decarbonisation, securing your energy supply whatever the scale of your needs and making partnerships to drive business forward.
Portfolio by " Jo Parker-Swift
QFQ Jo Parker-Swift Solivus
How can creativity fix a broken workforce in the new era of hybrid working?
We’re at a crossroads right now when it comes to working. Stressed-out employees are looking for new ways of working, creating a void that most companies are unsure how to fill.
Opinion by " Rich Westman
How can creativity fix a broken workforce in a new era of hybrid working?
Meet Grazer, the dating and friend-finding app for vegans and vegetarians
We spoke to Charlotte Elizabeth and Lewis Foster, founders of new plant-based dating and friend-finding app Grazer, about the rapidly growing vegan movement and the inadequacy of plant-based dating options.
Portfolio by " Jamie Walker
Meet Grazer, the dating and friend-finding app for vegans and vegetarians
Hiring a diverse workforce could help tackle data privacy issues
ISACA research has said organisations are dangerously exposed to cybersecurity problems because of a cyber skills gap. It reported 55% of firms are unable to fill technical privacy jobs and 46% are struggling with legal and compliance hires. It added the figures are expected to worsen in 2022 to 72% and 67%, respectively, and urged organisations to fully invest in privacy strategies.
Decoding by " Fred Fullerton
Hiring a diverse workforce could help tackle data privacy issues
Seed-stage B2B and social impact, a profile of Triple Point Ventures
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Ian McLennan, Partner and Head of Venture, Triple Point Ventures.
Decoding by " Ian McLennan
Seed-stage B2B and social impact, a profile of Triple Point Ventures

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