Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Crypto for social good: meet Cherubim Labs founder Brian Magierski
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Brian Magierski, founder and CEO of Cherubim Labs, a company striving to reimagine how communities and capital can come together to serve and fund charitable causes using the power of crypto and NFTs.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Crypto for social good: meet Cherubim Labs founder Brian Magierski
Is the power of the password now dead?
As multi-factor authentication becomes the norm, plus the new security environment the pandemic has delivered, will passwords finally be consigned to history?
Decoding by " Dave Howell
Is the power of the password now dead?
Meet ONE Essentials, the sustainable fashion brand born out of a frustration with the fashion industry
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Carries Davies, founder and CEO of ONE Essentials, about building a sustainable fashion brand, being frustrated with the fashion industry, and helping to build a circular economy.
Portfolio by " Carrie Davies
Meet ONE Essentials, the sustainable fashion brand born out of frustration with the fashion industry
How can startups change the menopause for good?
Menopause is a market ripe for innovation, and startups are beginning to chase this opportunity internally and externally. While there are significant challenges to tackling the issue, brands that choose to sideline menopause as a ‘women’s issue’ rather than a business issue will miss out.
Opinion by " Heather Jackson & Sam Simister
How can startups change the menopause for good?
The future of health care may be in the stars
Boryung Pharmaceutical, in collaboration with Axiom Space and Starburst Aerospace, has launched the first annual Care in Space Challenge, aimed at finding health care in space solutions from aerospace health care startups and other innovators. Selected participants will pitch their ideas in July before sharing solutions with investors in December.
Decoding by " Nicola Watts
startups post COVID
Get to know OneRagTime, a team of founders dedicated to founders
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today, we interview Stéphanie Hospital, CEO and founder of OneRagTime.
Decoding by " Stéphanie Hospital
A team of founders dedicated to founders – meet OneRagTime
5 Trends disrupting the payments industry
Payments are the backbone of a functioning global economy. A payments system can be defined as any system that can be used to settle a financial transaction by exchanging monetary value.
Opinion by " Michael Jaiyeola
5 Trends disrupting the payments industry
How the life longevity economy is creating a wealth of opportunities
In the grand scheme of the over 300,000-year history of humankind, living into your 70s and beyond is a very recent phenomenon. Thanks to improved standards of living, ranging from advancements in medicine to hygiene and unprecedented times of peace in large parts of the world, we are living far beyond what our ancestors could have ever dreamed of.
Opinion by " Daria Connolly
How the life longevity economy is creating a wealth of opportunities
The GIF successor, advanced cancer care, and digitalised human knowledge all feature in this week's MaddyMoney!
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
" Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
How has technology changed sales and marketing?
Technology has revolutionised the worlds of sales and marketing. While each industry once relied on standing on street corners handing out fliers or endless cold phone calls that often led to nowhere, innovative tech has now helped sales and marketing evolve to new heights.
Opinion by " David Johnson
How has technology changed sales and marketing?
Get to know Nudea, the brand with a new take on luxury and inclusive underwear
We spoke to Priya Downes, founder of Nudea, about creating an underwear brand that is fit-centric, the power of being hands-on, and the challenges created by a lack of women investors.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Get to know Nudea, the brand with a new take on luxury and inclusive underwear
MaddyEurope: a $5M prize for Danish startups, a Bulgarian AI institute, and a European cyberthreat report
Every fortnight, Maddyness brings you MaddyEurope, highlighting the headlines that are powering Europe's startup ecosystem. Here's this week's selection.
News by " Maddyness UK
MaddyEurope: a $5M prize for Danish startups, a Bulgarian AI institute, and a European cyberthreat report
The hard truth about AI’s ability to help us beat cancer
Back in 2016, a series of bold headlines claimed that artificial intelligence had reached the level of "boosting cancer screens to nearly 100% accuracy." By 2018, AI was all set to make "doctors obsolete."
Decoding by " Vicky Woollaston
The hard truth about AI’s ability to help us beat cancer
Meet Kaido, the startup inspiring teams to come together through their culture
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Rich Westman, founder of Kaido, a company that creates inclusive shared experiences for businesses that support employee wellbeing, build meaningful connections between teams and empower employees to build their great place to work together.
Decoding by " Rich Westman
Meet Kaido, the startup inspiring teams to come together through their culture

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