Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Social mobility: how entrepreneurship education can play a part
What does it take to become a successful entrepreneur? Having a great idea – or several of them – is a useful starting point, but is rarely the defining factor in determining a person’s success.
Opinion by " Christina Taylor
The importance of building a strong employee experience
AWS Summit 2022: How cloud computing has revolutionised the startup ecosystem
Amazon Web Services recently held their first in-person summit since the beginning of the pandemic. Maddyness journalist Jamie Walker went along to hear how cloud computing has revolutionised the startup space.
Portfolio by " Jamie Walker
AWS Summit 2022
Crowdfunding now: investing spare change, gold-standard 0% beer, and a novel energy storage solution
Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd, revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
News by " Maddyness UK
Crowdfunding now: investing spare change, gold-standard 0% beer, and a novel energy storage solution
Innovative sustainability event for investors in Climate Tech unveils exciting speaker line-up
Reset Connect, an innovative sustainability and net-zero event for innovators and investors has unveiled its exciting speaker line-up, which includes representatives from leading financial and funding providers Starling Bank, Triodos Bank and Sustainable Ventures.
News by " Maddyness UK
Innovative sustainability event for investors in Climate Tech unveils exciting speaker line-up
Why U.S. VCs investing in Europe need a physical presence on the continent
Incredible startups coming out of Europe are nothing new. Look no further than some of the continent’s newest unicorns including Oyster HR, Instabox, and Matillion (a Sapphire investment), as examples. But the rise of an ever increasing number of U.S. VC firms recognising the potential of Europe’s maturing ecosystem cannot have gone unnoticed as of late. It seems that rarely a month goes by without a VC group making the jump across the pond to open a new office.
Opinion by " Kevin Diestel
Why U.S. VCs investing in Europe need a physical presence on the continent
Stop being precious about building data infrastructure tools
Most startup founders will agree that having a first-mover's advantage by reducing time to market is an essential part of their long-term success strategy.
Opinion by " Ulrik Stig Hansen
Stop being precious about building data infrastructure tools
How can biophilic design bring employees back into the office?
Office working is back, yet people are still working remotely. In some instances, this can be more practical. But with 1 in 5 Brits wanting to work remotely full-time, have workers become too comfortable in their own homes?
Opinion by " Oliver Assonga
How can biophilic design bring employees back into the office?
What part do startups play in solving society's biggest problems? A huge part, says The Sustainability Group
We spoke to Alex Smith and Mike Penrose, cofounders at The Sustainability Group, about their new FuturePlus platform, the changes businesses can make right now to improve their impact on climate change, and why they decided launch in the field.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
What part do startups play in solving society's biggest problems? A big one, says The Sustainability Group
Thriva: Get to know the startup normalising at-home blood testing
Thriva are on a mission to make Brits more knowledgable of their health. Jamie Walker spoke to founder, Hamish Grierson, about the power of blood tests, how machine learning can be used in healthcare, and how decentralised finances inspired the foundation of the company.
Portfolio by " Jamie Walker
Patient investment, risk appetite and network effects, a profile of VNV Global
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Tessa Wanders and Daan Sanders of VNV Global.
Decoding by " Tessa Wanders & Daan Sanders
Green thinking. How can workers take ownership of sustainability?
A majority of the UK public has no understanding of “green jobs” or the difference between green jobs and green skills, according to research commissioned by Deloitte and IEMA. The study found that 56% of respondents had never heard of the term “green job”, 64% had no idea what “green skills” were and 65% said they did not have access to green skills training through their employer.
Decoding by " Fred Fullerton
Green thinking. How can workers take ownership of sustainability?
10 strategies to maintain the benefits of a team working remotely
Remote work options have been set in place since 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic plagued the whole world. Many companies and employees had to make drastic changes in their work setup, but some successfully transitioned and benefitted from remote work.
Portfolio by " Itamar Gero
10 strategies to maintain the benefits of a team working remotely
Cloud computing and machine learning rule the roost in this week's MaddyMoney!
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Babbel aids Ukrainian refugees with free language-learning courses
The world's highest-grossing language learning platform is offering Ukrainian refugees free English, German, and Polish language courses with an aim to aid integration into non-Ukrainian speaking communities.
News by " Maddyness UK
Babbel aids Ukrainian refugees with free language-learning courses

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