Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
London Tech Week and VivaTech promote European tech links
Two of Europe’s leading tech conferences, London Tech Week and VivaTech, collaborated on a cross-channel initiative to connect UK and French startups and scaleups with investors during June 13-18, the week of both events.
News by " Maddyness UK
London Tech Week and VivaTech promote European tech links
Atomistic experiments, satellite intelligence, and virtual operating theatres all feature in this week's MaddyMoney!
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Top 5 mistakes when working with celebrity cofounders (and how to avoid them)
The truth is many people think celebrities are generally overrated. They may get sucked into the content on their social feeds, enjoy seeing Tom Cruise fly a jet, and likely even indulge in a tequila shot or two from ER’s oldest heartthrob. But when it comes down to actual business acumen, most people wouldn’t trust them as far as they can throw them.
Opinion by " Jackie Fast
Unsplash ©
Integrated Finance, the developer tool giving access to the best financial infrastructure in a pay-as-you-grow model
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Alistair Cotton, CEO and founder of Integrated Finance, about helping fintechs scale by connecting together the different layers and providers across the unbundled banking stack.
Portfolio by " Alistair Cotton
When making decisions, rely on facts not feelings
With an uncertain market, inevitably comes risk. With risk, come difficult decisions. Yet, in making these, decision-makers too often rely on gut feeling as opposed to hard, solid facts.
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
When making decisions, rely on facts not feelings
Why hybrid working success needs flexible communication technology
Owing to The Great Resignation, businesses and how they run have changed drastically. We no longer need physical offices for all businesses to function, a designated desk and chair and several cables cluttered around the office. In 2022, we have finally acknowledged the importance of having flexibility in our work lives and this begins and ends with a company’s communication tools.
Opinion by " Damian Hanson
How can peer-to-peer platforms provide freedom for freelance engineers?
CSOs need to receive real power for companies to avoid greenwashing
Public pressure and government regulation are turning sustainability into an organisational necessity. After a timid emergence over the past decade, job seekers are now refusing to work for companies without strong environmental policies.
Opinion by " Chantel Scheepers
CSOs need to receive real power for companies to avoid greenwashing
Meet Rightcharge, the startup making smart charging your electric car easier
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Charlie Cook, founder of Rightcharge, about helping customers understand smart charging, getting the business off the ground and how the startup is answering an unmet need in the world of electric vehicles.
Portfolio by " Kirstie Pickering
Meet Rightcharge, the startup making smart charging your electric car easier
Right place, right time: a guide to knowing when to secure investment
The brightest ideas always come when you least expect them. We often bank them and bring them out when we think will receive the biggest possible impact. Founders, if you’re seeking investment, you should do the same.
Opinion by " Abbie Main
Right place, right time: a guide to knowing when to secure investment
Finland wants to become carbon negative by 2040
The Finnish parliament has approved the Climate Change Act, which mandates the country to achieve carbon neutrality by 2035 and carbon negativity by 2040.
Decoding by " Anja Pries
Finland wants to become carbon negative by 2040
How to communicate better at work and why it’s important
Effective communication in the workplace is fundamental for progress, innovation, and teamwork. Despite this, the importance of clear communication is often overlooked by employers and employees alike, leading to disputes, confusion, dissatisfaction and high employee turnover (to name a few).
Tools by " Daniel Groves
How to communicate better at work and why it’s important
An NFT market, an allotment rental platform, and human AI voices all feature on this week's MaddyMoney!
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Frontier Deep Tech Conference 2022 to showcase 'last frontier of commercial technologies'
Frontier Deep Tech 2022 is the first deeptech-focused summit in the UK. It combines the power of a large-scale in-person gathering with the power of an online platform that will help deeptech entrepreneurs, investors and corporate leaders connect. It will also cater for the policy makers, PhDs and academics to meet and shape the dialogue with the most disruptive industry innovators.
News by " Dr Cristina Esteban
What is the enterprise metaverse and why is it important?
Last year, Facebook became a trailblazer in supercharging metaverse discourse. Many organisations are becoming acutely aware of the opportunities virtual realities hold and over the next 12 months, we’ll likely see many deals and acquisitions being completed in the field.
Opinion by " Greg Roach
What should businesses consider when hybrid working in the metaverse?

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