Dossier, study, report - craving to decipher today's economy and understand tomorrow's?
Legal Innovators 3.0: how legaltech's gradual adoption is changing the legal profession
The third edition of the Legal Innovator's conference brought together speakers and panelists from the entire legal-tech ecosystem. Standardisation, adoption, client stickiness and work-life balance all came under the spotlight. But are lawyers ready to change?
Opinion by " Max Lunn
Legal Innovators
Blending data and imagination to transform young people’s financial health
For most of us, starting out on our financial journey as an adult isn’t easy. And for Millennials and Gen Zs today, learning to budget with limited disposable income can feel like a fruitless exercise.
Opinion by " Anita Woods
UK businesses talk less about sustainability commitments than their consumers
Research finds ‘climate justice’ and related terms are used ~29 times more by consumers than companies when talking about sustainability - suggesting a breakdown in communication between businesses and consumers when it comes to sustainability efforts.
News by " Maddyness UK
UK Businesses are talking less about sustainability commitments than their consumers
Effective communication for clinicians and the best outcomes for patients, meet Cinapsis
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Dr Owain Rhys Hughes, founder and CEO of Cinapsis about reducing patient waiting lists with streamlined and effective communication, working with NHS Trusts and understanding pain points.
Portfolio by " Dr Owain Rhys Hughes
Setting up a virtual office in the metaverse in three different ways: A step-by-step guide
Virtual offices have been around for a while. They're a type of service provided to companies and individuals that gives them a real physical address they can use as a mailing address and to receive faxes and other business-related communications, including postal mail. They even go as far as offering customer support services, personal assistants, and even offices and meeting rooms companies can rent to celebrate an in-person meeting with a prospective client.
Tools by " Jordan Bishop
Setting up a virtual office in the metaverse in three different ways: A step-by-step guide
Digital Learning Transformation for Remote employee engagement, performance, and retention
Across the UK tech space, few large organisations wanted to or have been able to continue with face-to-face onboarding and training during, or “since”, the pandemic. While most will have had a level of elearning already in place for the basics of company processes and compliance training, many then took the same principles to further L&D content moving forward for remote employees.
Opinion by " Anna Lemor
Digital Learning Transformation for Remote employee engagement, performance, and retention
Meet Ship Shape, the startup indexing investments to give mission-critical data to founders
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Daniel Sawko, CEO and cofounder of Ship Shape about finding relevant investors, undervalued groups and using data to match startups with investors.
Portfolio by " Daniel Sawko
Affordable access to content for fans and a transparent revenue model for creators, meet Recast
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Andy Meikle, founder and CEO of Recast about transforming the sports and entertainment media model by giving viewers access to the content they want and giving the content creators the monetisation they deserve.
Portfolio by " Andy Meikle
Finisterre founder Tom Kay on building Britain’s Patagonia and scaling sustainably
Tom Kay has built a premium, environment-first outdoor clothing brand in Finisterre. As he eyes expansion, his reputation and responsibility for sustainability remains as important as ever
Portfolio by " Simon Lovick
Finisterre founder Tom Kay on building Britain’s Patagonia and scaling sustainably
Expert advice for managing stress at work
Earlier this month it was International Stress Awareness Week 2022. This year we are all under extreme pressure at work and home; now is the time to consider how to manage stress - to combat overwhelm and protect yourself from burnout and overwhelm. Leadership, productivity, mentorship, and teamwork experts have been sharing their tips on how to deal with stress both at home and at work.
Tools by " Maddyness UK
RAISE – The Female Founder’s Guide to Securing Investment
A new book on raising investment from a female perspective is a welcome addition to the literature, full of practical and motivational advice.
News by " Maddyness UK
RAISE – The Female Founder’s Guide to Securing Investment
Video security is a political animal
Technology does not exist in a vacuum and as much as it may exist as a tool for users, innovations will face scrutiny from outside parties. We have heard calls from groups such as Human Rights Watch and Big Brother Watch to ensure technology does not infringe upon people’s rights or exacerbate pre-existing inequalities between groups. These viewpoints inevitably clash with companies needing to maintain the security of their properties, creating a complex balance between privacy and protection.
Opinion by " Sam Lancia
Video security is a political animal
Meet Trilvee, the startup that can deliver the optimised vehicle for every trip
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Michael Mangion, CEO of Trilvee about right-sizing vehicles, moving from A to B cleaner, faster, and cheaper and building a shared participation model.
Portfolio by " Michael Mangion
Meet Trilvee, the startup that can deliver the optimised vehicle for every trip
‘The world is one family’: the philosophy guiding India’s startup ecosystem
As the future of UK-India trade relations continues to hang in the balance, a delegation of over forty tech leaders from around the world travelled to South Asia, to learn and more closely understand India – and why it’s rapidly chasing the coattails of the US and China to take become a world-leading tech ecosystem.
Opinion by " Russ Shaw
Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam - ‘The world is one family’ philosophy that guides India’s startup ecosystem

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