As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Matthew Connelly, founder and CEO of ihateironing about staying on top of laundry, expanding to New York and the importance of surrounding yourself with a team of determined people.
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Kurt Scherer, Managing Partner at C5 Capital.
Are mission statements a North Star for your business or just ‘woo-woo’? Can they point you in the right direction for growth or merely distract you from getting on with the job at hand? I have to admit, I’m a fan of the mission-driven business.
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Axel Katalan, founder of JULIENNE BRUNO about naturally plant-based food, solving production issues, the importance of getting the right team and the launch of collection 02.
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Zoe Watkiss, cofounder of SunGod about crowdfunding, lifetime guarantees, doing things differently and getting people to See Better.
As we start a new year, it's a good time to reflect on our leadership skills and make some some positive change in 2023. We’ve been speaking to leadership and management experts to come up with some suggestions of goals to set for yourself to become a more effective leader and help your team thrive.
Shortly after their victory at the Super Connect for Good competition, we spoke to Jay Shen, Managing Director of Transreport about making all journeys more accessible and why inclusivity and diversity drives everything they do.
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Neeral Shah, cofounder and CEO of YardLink about digital marketplaces, the complexities of construction supply chains and how connectivity and efficiency can boost profit margins.
Learning is the process that goes through the entire life. It doesn't stop when we finish school, graduate from college, and pass the training or course. The modern generation created a special term for this process that is named lifelong learning, and the title speaks for itself.
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to David Odier, founder of LaunchMappers about growth strategies, working with freelancers and the importance of finding meaning at work.
A deeper understanding of your networks and the threats they face is a must for any business. We always talk about managing networks and network development — which are important — but network security is just as essential because if your networks aren’t secure, it can severely impact your business and its future.
People who doubt their abilities to the point they sometimes feel they don’t deserve to have the role they have landed suffer from “imposter syndrome.” A recent Harvard business review survey canvased Fortune 500 CEOs and found that 95% of them had suffered at times from imposter syndrome, or feeling they would be ‘found out’ that they weren’t up to the job.
Procurement is an elementary function for all sizes of businesses. Every organisation, whether small or large, needs office supplies or collaboration with vendors to perform its operations. To streamline all these activities, digitisation plays an important role. While large organisations mainly opt for complete automation, mid-market businesses are more prone to adopt digitisation in bits and pieces.
As part of a series with Innovate UK KTN, Maddyness spoke to Azhar Murtuza, founder of Born Maverick. We will introduce several of the 13 ‘startups of the future’ chosen by Innovate UK KTN to take part in its three-month sustainability accelerator programme. Working with Innovate UK KTN, Growth Studio and their ecosystems, these startups will prepare to raise external capital. The program aims to back the bright ideas that put biodiversity, the climate, and sustainability first.