Fintech specialist and Partner at Dawn Capital, Dan Chaplin shares helpful insights for founders looking to succeed in a challenging environment...
It won't be much of a surprise to women in the technology industry that when it comes to gender equality, the split skews in favour of men. In the U.S., McKinsey figures say that men still hold 75% of U.S. tech jobs and are on the receiving end of salary offers that are 3% higher than women.
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Jesse Shanahan, CTO at Another Round about making disease mitigation accessible for more people, avoiding the hype around AI and finding a healthy and sustainable work-life balance.
With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Antonio Avitabile, Managing Director Europe at Sony Venture Corporation.
You may be forgiven to think that in today’s modern world, the reincarnation of the devil is likely to manifest itself through technology. Indeed, the treacherous power that technology bestows upon those who control it can be alarmingly dangerous. It gives access to terabytes of data, knowledge, and information (Big Data) that can be analysed by sophisticated algorithms (AI), and which can in turn be used to influence people’s attitudes and behaviours. What more can the devil want? The Cambridge Analytica scandal is still fresh in our minds.
Founders who don’t build a brand image for their startups at early stages may end up confusing their clients: the company looks different across platforms, its merch colours don't match up with the colours on the website, and customers don't recognise the brand in its ads.
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Arnaud Devigne, cofounder and co-CEO at Jobgether about the impact that remote work can have on our society and the value of both freedom and accountability.
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Conversational commerce is a rapidly growing trend in the e-commerce industry. It involves using chatbots and other forms of artificial intelligence to interact with customers and help them make purchases via their preferred platform, from Whatsapp and SMS to Facebook Messenger and Instagram. With the wide scale adoption of messaging platforms and mobile devices, consumers are increasingly using chat as a way to communicate with and purchase from businesses.
Despite a forecasted recession, it’s clear that last year’s drought of talent will continue to frustrate UK employers’ attempts to expand or fill critical skills gaps in their workforce over the course of 2023. With unemployment rates at historic lows of 3.7% and job vacancies still at historic highs, the UK’s problematic labour market is here to stay.
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Carl Walker, cofounder and CEO of Go Thrift about wearing without waste, reducing carbon footprints and matching affordability with sustainability.
Creating a startup is always challenging. Founding one during a tech downturn, cost of living crisis and recession seems near impossible. However, with risk comes reward and many of the world’s most successful companies were founded during times of economic uncertainty. As part of a series with Antler, Maddyness has interviewed founders hoping to become the entrepreneurial success stories to emerge from this time of crisis. This week, Maddyness spoke to Erdem Gelal, cofounder and CEO of Flowla.
Building and growing a tech startup has never been easy. The struggles of building a great team, raising finance, scaling revenue, controlling costs, and expanding operations are well documented. These hurdles are all the more intimidating against the backdrop of big tech layoffs, rising costs, recessionary pressures influencing consumer behaviour and cutbacks. Yet, the speed of tech development continues at pace as we have seen with the ground breaking capabilities of generative AI.
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Liza Alem, Head of Marketing and Communication at AZmed about using AI to reduce medical errors, global partnerships and the importance of open-mindedness.