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ARTICLES BY “David Johnson”
How to demonstrate the value of your software in a downturn
In today’s economic downturn, tech budgets are tightening. Customers are assessing the worth of every tool in their tech stack, looking to streamline their spend wherever possible. In this environment, vendors must deliver clear and measurable value to end-users to avoid being viewed as shelfware - software that’s been paid for, but never adequately used. The outcome? They may be cut entirely.
Decoding by " Griffin Parry
How to demonstrate the value of your software in a downturn
Is proximity bias undermining hybrid teams?
There is much to be admired about the new world of work. Not least the opportunity to make geography history in the sea change around where workers work. But, they say, the battle between good and evil runs through us all! Now, the new bad that has emerged in the hybrid world is proximity bias.
Opinion by " Jeremy Campbell
Modern cyber invasions and data protection
A cyber attack is primarily regarded as an action by a hacker to penetrate a network or system with the sole intention of destroying or damaging it. Cyber attacks are very common, and if they do happen, serious damage is done.
News by " Maddyness UK
Modern cyber invasions and data protection
Navigating the global technology skills gap with AI-moderated upskilling
Work trends have rapidly changed across the world, post-pandemic. How and where people choose to work now or in the future is and will be radically different from how it used to be a few years ago. Labour markets across all sectors have undergone drastic shifts in terms of talent requirements and demands, as businesses across the board increasingly accelerate the adoption of automation and emerging technologies.
Opinion by " Rehan Haque
Looking for climate-driven data products for sustainable finance? Meet Connect Earth
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Alexander Lempka, cofounder and CEO of Connect Earth about ClimateTech, sustainable finance and democratising access to sustainability data.
Portfolio by " Alexander Lempka
Show me the money: Follow the funds, not the famous, for safer investments
With Sam Bankman-Fried now released from prison on a record $250M bond to await trial on a slew of fraud charges, collapsed cryptocurrency exchange FTX enters the next chapter of what will surely become a long-running saga.
News by " Olliver Barr
Show me the money: Follow the funds, not the famous, for safer investments
Scaling intelligently in the age of lay-offs and hyper-inflation
With continued slow growth in tech, investors will more readily scrutinise startups and deploy capital at a slower pace. Startups are therefore likely to curtail their growth, resulting in more layoffs and business consolidation.
Opinion by " Giovanni Luperti
Hiring intelligently
An AI-focused fund with a tech-first approach, a profile of Alpha Intelligence Capital
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Terry Chou and Uday Sandhu, partners at Alpha Intelligence Capital.
Portfolio by " Terry Chou & Uday Sandhu
Meet Minerva, an online independent school offering a world-class private education
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Hugh Viney, founder and director of Minerva Tutors and CEO of Minerva's Virtual Academy about tutoring, delivering world-class private education online and educating the first children on Mars.
Portfolio by " Hugh Viney
4 digital marketing trends to watch in 2023
In recent years, digital marketing has been considered as one of the key growth drivers for companies of all sizes. As marketing teams are heading into 2023, here are four trends to consider when conceptualising digital advertising campaigns and choosing online promotional channels.
Tools by " Svetlana Stotskaya
4 digital marketing trends
Scalable quantum, digital healthcare and ADHD support in this week's Maddymoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Be the 10% - avoid these common mistakes when building a startup
Of the millions of brands that launch every year, around 90% will fail. So how can you make that 10%?
Tools by " Jo Barnard
Meet Emm, a biowearable menstrual product with personalised data
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Jenny Button, founder and CEO of Emm about building a smart menstrual product, working around the huge data gaps in women’s health and the importance of knowing the questions not the answers.
Portfolio by " Jenny Button
9 startups that reconcile space and the environment
A nascent environmentalism is taking root in the space sector. Whilst legacy space companies like Blue Origin operate under the fatalistic assumption that 'the Earth is finite' - turning space into an exploitable resource - a new wave of startups are looking into how best space technologies can assist sustainable development back on earth.
Portfolio by " Sacha Chérif

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