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ARTICLES BY “David Johnson”
The transformative power of AI: enhancing human potential in the workplace
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has long been regarded as a powerful force in the quest for improved productivity and efficiency in various industries. From automated processes to predictive analytics, AI has demonstrated its ability to revolutionise how we work and operate.
Opinion by " Asim Amin
The transformative power of AI: enhancing human potential in the workplace
A Global Tech for Good initiative to connect the world’s best tech startups and scale-ups creating positive social impact
Startups and scale-ups from across the UK, Ireland, Europe, Australia New Zealand, and Asia, are being urged to apply for the annual Super Connect for Good Competition. The competition encourages entries from companies that are bringing about positive social change and impacting people’s lives through technology.
News by " Maddyness UK
A Global Tech for Good initiative to connect the world’s best tech startups and scale-ups creating positive social impact
Meet Wagestream, a financial wellbeing platform for frontline workers
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Peter Briffett, CEO of Wagestream about tackling injustice for frontline workers, financial wellbeing and eradicating the need for payday loans.
Portfolio by " Peter Briffett
Meet Wagestream, a financial wellbeing platform for frontline workers
How to start a security compliance program
Security compliance programs help your organisation identify, implement, and maintain appropriate security controls to protect sensitive data, comply with laws and contractual obligations, and adhere to the standards, regulatory requirements, and frameworks needed to protect customers and enable the business to succeed.
Tools by " Maddyness, with Vanta
How to start a security compliance program
Wealth management, why the time for fintechs is now
Fintech has changed how we transact, from digital payments and cross-border transfers to market-stall traders taking card, it has revolutionised the world in uncountable ways. Everything from proptech platforms to personal investment portals, they are all fintechs, they manage money - quickly, cheaply and efficiently.
Opinion by " Nuno Godinho
Digitising wealth management: what can we learn from healthcare?
6 Fundraising tips for vertical SaaS founders
As businesses become more demanding, ‘Vertical SaaS’ will emerge as one of the fastest growing areas in business software. Unlike horizontal SaaS, where solutions aim to reach a wide range of businesses - vertical SaaS is purpose-built for specific industry niches, narrowing the potential market size whilst affording providers the opportunity to trade market size for market share.
Tools by " Kamil Mieczakowski
6 Fundraising tips for vertical SaaS founders
Meet Freeverse, Web3 infrastructure for Living Assets™
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Alun Evans, cofounder and CEO of Freeverse about the next era of NFTs, bringing Living Assets to the general public, and educating clients about the “technical” aspects of incorporating blockchain.
Portfolio by " Alun Evans
Meet Freeverse, Web3 infrastructure for Living Assets™
Knowledge spillovers are what’s missing from remote working
There’s so much to love about remote and hybrid working: from productivity to cost-savings, the interpersonal issues that can arise in the office are also mitigated. Along with the time you get back from not having to commute, you also neatly sidestep that nosy co-worker who is hell-bent on finding out your intimate personal details.
News by " Kirstie McDermott
Maddyness Jobbio MaddyJobs 5
How scale-ups can address the tech talent shortage
Attending the recent London Tech Week, two things struck me. Firstly, was just how prevalent tech startups and scale-ups are now. These companies are everywhere and nearly all of them are based around technology, with it absolutely fundamental to their propositions.
Opinion by " Andy Peddar
How scale-ups can address the tech talent shortage
How can startup leaders empower their teams so they can take a break this summer?
Running a startup is notoriously fast-paced, highly stressful and time consuming, with heavy workloads throughout the year for both you and your team. As chief decision-maker and captain of the ship, it’s difficult for startup leaders to fully step back from their responsibilities and hand over the reins to their teams so they can take a proper break over the summer months.
Opinion by " Dominic Ashley-Timms
How can startup leaders empower their teams so they can take a break this summer?
Meet Tensorflight, using AI to process data for the insurance industry
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Jakub Dryjas CEO of Tensorflight about advancing digital transformation in property insurance, providing critical insights for informed decision-making and the launch of TensorConnect.
Portfolio by " Jakub Dryjas
Meet Tensorflight, using AI to process data for the insurance industry
The future of brands in the age of automation: 4 ways to a compelling marketing strategy
Automation is transforming the way businesses operate and interact with customers. It enables faster, cheaper and more efficient processes, as well as personalised and customised experiences.
Tools by " Svetlana Stotskaya
4 Misconceptions early-stage tech startups have about branding, and what's actually true
Human vs. Machine: The battle for authentic artistic expression in the age of AI
Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being used to create images and texts, as well as videos, music, and other multimedia content. As AI continues to improve, it’s reasonable to assume that it will become even more challenging to identify which content has been created by humans, and which has been devised by the machine.
Opinion by " Doron Fagelson
Human vs. Machine: The battle for authentic artistic expression in the age of AI
Climate software, carbon credits, and semiconductors on this week's Maddymoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
News by " Maddyness UK

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