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ARTICLES BY “David Johnson”
The internet's dirty carbon secret
We all know that using one-use products such as plastic bottles, coffee cups and plastic bags contribute to the release of greenhouse gases and have dire consequences on the environment but what do we know how our internet use is damaging our planet?
Portfolio by " Tali Ramsey
Do you (really) have to start a business if you want to be an entrepreneur?
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: learn how to ask yourself good questions if you want to be an entrepreneur because there are always several solutions.
Tools by " Maddyness
Plastic Ducks options
29 must-have tools for entrepreneurs
In the ever-growing world of business tools and apps, it can be hard to know which ones truly make a difference when managing a small and growing business. Maddyness shares suggestions for tools that will make things easier for you on your entrepreneurial journey.
Tools by " Audrey Langevin
productivity apps
5G and the suspected dangers
It’s 2020 and although many people don’t have it, 5G is here. Using the interconnectivity of the Internet of Things (IoT), 5G is the next step in digital technology as it will eventually allow devices to work by connecting to each other. The future is here.
Portfolio by " Tali Ramsey
Tech, the high street's enemy and saviour
The plight of the UK high street retail has been widely reported and analysed. But how significant is the shift to online shopping, and are other factors, and opportunities, being overlooked?
Opinion by " Max Wood
What are you risking when creating a startup?
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: damage-limitation advice when creating your startup.
Tools by " Maddyness
generic building
How to grab the attention of an investor at a tech fair
Taking a stand at a tech fair is a significant financial and human investment for a startup, but there are many ways to make it worthwhile. One good reason is to use it to attract potential investors.
Opinion by " David Johnson
How to scale a startup to 50 employees without losing its culture
Joe Procopio shares his advice on the critical steps you need to make at each stage of your company’s early growth to ensure you can keep your culture and growth.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
As Coronavirus spreads so too does the need for professional communication channels
Working from home is not new, and widely adopted for a couple days a week especially in the media and technology sectors, but if we look at the surge of stock price for workplace software like Zoom, Slack and… Netflix, it seems investors are anticipating that the Coronavirus crisis will accelerate this trend, for greater numbers and for an extended period of time.
News by " Laurent Guyot
When to believe in an entrepreneur and when to run away
Last week, one of the founders I’m advising landed a lucrative and potentially game-changing customer. This was a moment of truth in more ways than one. First of all, it staved off what had been a downward spiral of unfortunate events in the life of her company. But more importantly, it reestablished her faith in herself — faith that, by that point, seemingly no one else had. Joe Procopio tells us more about what makes an entrepreneur stand out.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Will humans ever be able to live forever?
Death remains a taboo subject; hard to discuss, understand and prepare for. But with constant breakthroughs in science and technology, a greater understanding of the human body it seems we are moving closer to a breakthrough and answer to the age-old question of can we live forever?
Decoding by " Tali Ramsey
Infinity Loop
How to write a (good) business plan
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: the construction of a business plan from A to Z.
Tools by " Maddyness
Changes on the horizon for UK Landlords
Adam Joseph is a serial entrepreneur and leading property industry ambassador. He successfully exited his first venture five years ago and decided to make the move to The Happy Tenant Company because he felt there was a real gap in the market for a property management firm that serviced the both part-time and professional landlords.
News by " Adam Joseph
block of flats
Top London business schools for entrepreneurship
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you'll find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article, you'll find some of the best business schools in London, one of the world’s leading cities when it comes to studying, setting up and working for a business.
Tools by " Tali Ramsey

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