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ARTICLES BY “David Johnson”
Rolls Royce leads data collaboration to boost post-lockdown economy
British engineering giant Rolls Royce has announced the launch of Emer2gent, a data alliance collaboration aimed at sharing data across different sectors to jumpstart the economy after the COVID-19 lockdown. In the face of prolonged lockdown and economic catastrophe, could data be the answer to our problems?
News by " Simon Lovick
Ecommerce chat startup Blueprint raises £1M
Led by Magnus Rausing, heir to the Tetra Pak fortune, Blueprint, which lets brands sell to their customers through SMS, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp messages has raised £1M seed investment. The investment was supported by Hambro Perks and Founders Factory, with the private beta version of the platform expected next month.
News by " Maddyness
Redefining how we work in a changed world
We are only a few of weeks into the crisis, and what is already clear is that for many sectors of the economy the way that people work is going to change for ever, and in ways that we have not yet anticipated.
News by " Ed Parker
Equity, loans, or fundraising: how should you be funding your startup?
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has created a true kit of different steps to follow in creating, growing, and even selling your own start-up. From hiring to protecting your brand and moving on to financing your innovation, you will find tips and good practices so that you can easily find your way in the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: several recommendations on financing your startup.
News by " Maddyness
stock index
Aiming for optimism
This week I have been speaking to a few members from the global business community to gauge their positioning in terms of our model of the four stages of emotional response: from uncertainty and frustration to acceptance and optimism. What has become apparent is the truly global nature of the pandemic challenge. China, previously in severe lockdown, has eased restrictions on its own citizens while firmly banning entry to outsiders. Sweden, bold in their response, has yet to enter a total lockdown and perhaps never will, while the USA grapples with different approaches in different states. All are now dependent in some way on how the other acts.
News by " Alexandra Pearson
Books to inspire in uncertain times
As the lockdown and self-isolation continues, here is a selection of books that you could be reading. They will inspire and entertain and give great lessons to help you grow your business and yourself. On top of that, they will give you things to talk about in the world outside of your startup.
News by " Maddyness
Pile of generic books
So you've got a startup and want everyone to know about it?
At Maddyness we are always keen to hear from you our readers so that we can tell others about your startup, and you can do just that with #MaddyPitch. Complete the form below to tell us more about your business and we can look at promoting and publishing your work.
Portfolio by " Maddyness
Can your startup navigate corona infested waters?
With the global pandemic such as COVID-19, it is hard to escape and could be one of the biggest biological disasters to impact the planet. The situation became oh too real yesterday evening as I said goodbye to my sister who is working in the NHS as front line staff. Saying goodbye today, because we can't see each other for the next six to eight weeks due to self-isolation when she lives one road over, hit home the impact of COVID-19 is touching everyone's life.
News by " Darren Rebeiro
Adapting to the new normal and moving forward
Richard Leslie of The Sourcing Hub looks at the fundamental changes that are taking place in management, communication and talent management as we live in lockdown. Changes he argues that can be drastically beneficial to the tech industry, and changes that COVID-19 has proven that we are capable to make.
News by " Richard Leslie
How Experience Haus fuels curiosity, innovation and creativity
You can read as much as you like, and study for hours on end, but nothing can match the learnings and expertise gained from actually carrying out a task or project. We were fortunate enough to spend some time chatting with Amit Patel, Creative Director at Experience Haus, to pick his brains on the importance of real-world learning, and how both startups and students can benefit.
Tools by " Esat Dedezade
amit patel
19 more business pivots
COVID-19 is forcing companies to adapt quickly to change and redesign their products or services or even create new ones to respond to the demands of millions of people self-isolating around the world. Maddyness has selected more examples of these pivots from the UK and beyond.
News by " Maddyness
Why early startups need to be quick to fire
Sometimes founders start off with great friends who make lousy employees, Joe Procopio looks into how this can happen and how it can be rectified.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Another 19 bits of light news
Another week in lockdown brings another dose of 19 stories to boost morale, inspire creativity and help our readers stay connected and inspired.
News by " Maddyness
10 startups to watch in Newcastle
Newcastle's entrepreneurial spirit is at the heart of this emerging post-industrial tech hub. Surrounded by renowned universities and with a dynamic startup scene, developments like the National Innovation Centre for Data only add to the city's bright future. Maddyness has selected some of the startups on the rise to watch in this north eastern powerhouse.
Portfolio by " Maddyness

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