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ARTICLES BY “David Johnson”
So, you want to submit an article to Maddyness?
Every day we receive submissions with ideas for opinion pieces #Opinion and stories of personal experiences #MaddyLife. To guide you on the best way to be published on Maddyness we have put together some advice and editorial tips.
Portfolio by " David Johnson
Points-based visa for startups could stimulate the UK’s economic recovery
Samar Shams, Immigration and Global Mobility Partner at Spencer West LLP argues that the UK should speed up plans for a new visa for entrepreneurs in light of COVID-19’s acceleration of the transition to tech across business sectors.
News by " Samar Shams
Coronavirus startup survival guide
It is not yet clear what the mortality rate of COVID-19 is, however, based on the WHO’s mortality rate of 3.4%, COVID-19 is 34 times deadlier than the seasonal flu. Because the social and economic ramifications have spread quickly, the COVID-19 pandemic has also had a far more significant impact on the business sector. Which is why this coronavirus startup survival guide will be very convenient.
News by " Michael Rossman
Support for startups: Interview with Raphaël Crouan, President of FrenchTech London
The government’s support package for the tech sector announced on 20 April seeks to support high growth startups and SMEs, but questions still remain about the future of the sector. Jakob von Baeyer interviews Raphaël Crouan to examine the support offered.
News by " Jakob von Baeyer and Raphaël Crouan
Oxygenating your business brain
Your most complex organ, the powerhouse of your nervous system, the brain consumes 20% of the body’s oxygen supply. Limit that supply and life quickly becomes unfocused and foggy. Does that describe how you have been feeling during this lockdown? That’s perfectly normal in these uncertain times.
News by " Bridget Rooth
The three crisis scenarios CEOs should plan for right now
Having weathered the late 90s dot-com bubble and the Great Recession of 2008, Joe Procopio is in a great position to share his advice and analysis on what CEOs should be thinking and doing right now to ensure their companies can acknowledge the panic, act wisely and come out stronger.
News by " Joe Procopio
Post-lockdown? Don’t expect a flexible work revolution
Most companies suck at flexible working. Yeah, they talk the talk. “Come join us! We’re modern! Open-minded! Work the way that suits you!” They have all the tech in place (though that’s not much of an accolade: my kid’s dance teacher sorted outlive classes via Zoom in just a few hours). But do they really want people to work flexibly?
News by " Tom Cheesewright
How to protect a trademark?
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: several recommendations to protect your trademark.
News by " Maddyness
Back to the drawing board
Government offer £1B in support for startups. Is it enough?
Nearly one month after the launch of Tech London Advocates (TLA) Resource Hub for COVID-19, I caught up with Founder and all-round startup hero Russ Shaw who shared some early insights and trends he has observed during the past few weeks since the hub's launch to support the startup ecosystem.
News by " Darren Rebeiro
DNA testing won’t beat the Coronavirus, but can prevent at least as many deaths
It feels more than ever like we're at the turnstile of the future: the ways we live and work are being radically rewritten in the interests of the individual. One such rewrite is our access to at-home cutting edge science, giving us more affordable insight into our body's coding: mainstream DNA testing is no longer the realm of science fiction. Maddyness writer Ella Bowman caught up with Avi Lasarow, the CEO of DNA Fit, to discuss destiny, data, DNA's ethnic bias and the Coronavirus (for good measure).
Decoding by " Ella Bowman
19 more stories to inspire positivity and creativity
Another week in lockdown brings another dose of 19 stories to boost morale, inspire creativity and help our readers stay connected and inspired.
News by " Maddyness
Beyond numbers: How Early Metrics measures success
Working with startups can have a huge impact on larger companies looking to solve problems and boost innovation. With millions of startups being created around the world each year however, finding the right one and assessing its suitability can be an expensive, time-consuming process. Maddyness met Antoine Baschiera to discuss the methods used by Early Metrics to measure success.
Decoding by " Esat Dedezade
19 more business pivots
COVID-19 is forcing companies to adapt quickly to change and redesign their products or services or even create new ones to respond to the demands of millions of people self-isolating around the world. Maddyness has selected more examples of these pivots from the UK and beyond.
News by " Maddyness
A property market frozen and leveraged landlords at risk
In the recent weeks where we have seen communities locked down in self-isolation, a government urging people to stay home while daily commuters are still flocking to work and a frozen property market, landlords have understandably become uneasy. Due to the uncertainty of the period ahead, more and more tenants are contacting them to negotiate some kind of agreement as their incomes have been slashed in a world of zero-hour contracts.
News by " Adam Joseph

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