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ARTICLES BY “David Johnson”
Disrupting the world of networking conferences
With 2020 not being like any other year (hello global pandemic), a lot of things in our personal and professional lives have shifted. And that means that conferences have to shift as well. Offline events have been a no-go during the last couple of months and it looks like they will be for a while.
Decoding by " Anna Degtereva
What I learned running two startups at the same time
Should you quit your day job to start your own company? Should you shelve an existing startup to pursue a new startup idea? Let’s knock the elephant out of the room right away. If you’re uncomfortable juggling two high priorities at the same time, entrepreneurship is going to be a very uncomfortable lifestyle. Unless you find a way to make it work. I can help with that.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
What makes a good business idea?
A few weeks ago I decided to cut my bangs as it seemed like a good idea. It wasn't. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision and I've regretted it ever since. Don't worry, this article is not about my hair - it's about business ideas and how to create good ones. And how to avoid basing business ideas on thoughtless impulses.
Opinion by " Magdalena Bibik
uMed raises £3.7M to help healthcare providers participate in more clinical studies
Research technology company uMed has raised £3.7M in venture capital from AlbionVC, Delin Ventures and Playfair Capital, along with Silicon Valley’s 11.2 Capital. The latest round of funding will see uMed give healthcare providers in the UK and US, including GPs and hospitals, the tools to run patient research more efficiently while safeguarding patient data and ensuring regulatory compliance.
News by " Maddyness
Maddyness interviews Ordnance Survey’s new Head of Geovation
“Crisis creates opportunity”, says Carly Morris, who’s joined OS from the International Airlines Group. With a new cohort of startups onboarding now, Geovation - with Carly at the helm - looks set to continue spearheading innovation within startups using location and property data, despite stormy seas.
Portfolio by " Carly Morris
This is how you make tech inclusive: Interview with Kwaku Dapaah from YSYS
Kwaku Dapaah is a programme manager at YSYS, a startup community connecting diverse people with opportunities in the world of tech. We spoke to Kwaku about the barriers, the solutions - including FoundersDoor, the programme he oversees - and the excuses that just won’t float.
Tools by " Florence Wildblood
firstminute capital announces $111M second fund, now backed by 70 unicorn founders
firstminute capital has announced the launch of its $111M (£87M) second early stage venture fund. The firm, headquartered in London, now counts seventy founders of billion dollar businesses as investors including cofounders of Palantir, Ocado, Supercell, MongoDB, Check Point, Wayfair and Zalando.
News by " Maddyness
Founders first and investors second, a portrait of Cherry Ventures
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Charlotte Bruce, principal at Cherry Ventures.
Portfolio by " Charlotte Bruce
Monetise your opinion: Interview with Nick Sutton, COO of Qmee
It’s an unconventional but straightforward way of topping up your income - and a way to take back control of your own data. Meet Qmee, the platform that allows you to shop and share your opinion and subsequently gain real cash rewards.
Portfolio by " Nick Sutton
Bridging finance to avoid the chain with Tomer Aboody and Joshua Elash cofounders of MT Finance
Tomer Aboody and Joshua Elash are the co-founders of specialist finance company, MT Finance. The firm was founded in 2008 by the duo and now has around 40 staff, operating out of its offices in Holborn, in the centre of London.
News by " Maddyness
What you need to know about the UK's new tech regulator
Every week, Maddyness curates articles from other outlets on a topic that is driving the headlines. This Monday, we look at the UK's Digital Markets Unit and what it plans to do to tackle Big Tech's market monopoly and protect small businesses and media outlets.
News by " Maddyness
Emissions from plug-in hybrid vehicles far higher than advertised
Plug-in hybrid vehicles emit up to eight times more CO2 than carmakers claim in official test results, a study by Transport & Environment (T&E) has revealed. Hybrid cars, which use internal combustion engines but feature a rechargeable battery for shorter journeys, were described as "fake electric cars" by the Brussels-based group, and less environmentally friendly than advertised.
Decoding by " Katie Chan
Crowdfunding now: green energy, motorcycle jackets & e-bikes
Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd, revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
News by " Maddyness
Smart tech or die: brick and mortar has a clear choice
In 1991, when the WWW went live to the world, eCommerce was born too. It was almost immediate. In the mid-nineties, people started ordering a wide range of products with their dial-up connections. Amazon began its journey in the same period.
Decoding by " Evelyn Johnson

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