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ARTICLES BY “David Johnson”
Crowdfunding now: three pioneering delivery services
Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd, revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
Tools by " Maddyness
Crowdfunding now: three pioneering delivery services
Can you get inspiration from a foreign model without copying it?
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has created a true kit of different steps to follow in creating, growing, and even selling your own startup. From hiring to protecting your brand and moving on to financing your innovation, you will find tips and good practices so that you can easily find your way in the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: some recommendations for getting inspiration from a foreign model without risking looking like a copycat.
News by " Maddyness
The next big thing for biodiversity? Drones
We will need to restore billions of hectares of land over the coming years. Luckily, new AI and drone technology works ten times faster than planting trees by hand.
News by " Florence Wildblood
Irrigated crops make an interesting mosaic.
6 of the most crucial marketing trends your company needs in 2021
2020 was a chaotic year. The global pandemic changed the way we live our lives: how we socialise, use services, predict marketing trends, and attract customers to our business. However, while there’s been unprecedented upheaval, we’ve still seen some developments in the world of marketing trends COVID-19 has not touched that could make a massive difference to your business in 2021. The landscape of marketing trends is constantly evolving, with what worked one year suddenly becoming a waste of time the next. Why are marketing trends important? Because they are the most effective way of reaching potential customers. We’re going to look at some of the most likely success stories of 2021, letting you know which marketing trends you should start investigating right now.
Tools by " Ellen Royce
6 of the most crucial marketing trends your company needs in 2021
A record-breaking healthtech investment for Treg therapy, and other February funding
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Transition from project to product management: Key skills you should have for success
No one becomes a product manager overnight, not even a project manager. Transitioning from a project- to a product-focused career is a process that is necessary for one to keep up with rapidly changing consumers and markets. Most project managers switch to product management because they want to be in a more strategic role and have a more significant impact on their company. Also, they may feel that bringing products into the market can be exciting and fun. Good news is, it is not a complete change altogether.
Tools by " Frank Hamilton
Toys containing mercury and poisonous diet pills: Interview with Vicky Brock, CEO Vistalworks
Swathes of the goods stocked by third-party sellers on online marketplaces are actually illicit. Can tech help consumers understand how at risk they are, and avoid being scammed?
Portfolio by " Florence Wildblood
Clubhouse booms in Korean startup scene
Clubhouse, an audio-based social network platform, is gaining popularity within the Korean startup scene. Clubhouse, the fastest growing platform in Silicon Valley, has already surpassed $1 billion in valuation despite it still being in the beta phase. Famous celebrities-including Silicon Valley’s famous startup CEOs-have been using the app ever since its launch. After Elon Musk opened a room late January, the number of Clubhouse users around the world has rapidly increased leading to the craze landing in Korea.
Opinion by " Maddyness, with StartupRecipe
Healthtech startup wins Israel final of Startup World Cup 2021
Israeli medical tech startup Matricelf, the developer of a personalised platform for autologous regenerative medicine, was named the winner of the Israel final this week of the Startup World Cup 2021, an annual competition created by Silicon Valley-based venture capital firm Pegasus Tech Ventures. The competition made its debut in Israel with Israeli agency Tech It Forward.
News by " January Barnes
VOICE by Maddyness: Meet Soumyadip Rakshit, cofounder of MysteryVibe
Our second guest on the VOICE by Maddyness podcast is Soumyadip, cofounder of MysteryVibe. Combining medical research and engineering expertise, MysteryVibe creates devices that elevate sex – especially for those recovering from childbirth, menopause, cancer treatment or surgery.
Portfolio by " Florence Wildblood
Here’s what investors want to see in your startup’s product
The world was not ready for the iPhone in 1993 when Apple launched it’s ill-fated Newton. I have a huge amount of empathy for the founder who is too early, too narrow, or too buggy. One of my startup war stories is about the company three of us founded that was YouTube a couple years before YouTube. We had the tech and a product and revenue, but we couldn’t get the funding. It was our own fault, because we were too green to position and pitch it properly.
Tools by " Joe Procopio
Here’s what investors want to see in your startup’s product
Blue skies not January blues, a COVID Diary from NOTWICS
Over a month into 2021 and it is shaping up to be an interesting year. NOTWICS have spent the start of the year consulting with leading VCs and Angels in the UK to understand and report on the sentiment around the early stage tech scene in the UK. Unlike the doom and gloom of the previous reports compiled during lockdown, there are now some very clear and bright signs emerging in the seed, Series A and bridge stages.
Decoding by " Chris Lowe
How you can use XR tech to achieve your business goals
With 2021 now well underway, now is a moment to pause and consider exactly how you are going to achieve those ambitious goals you set out in January.
Opinion by " Dr Alex Young
The world’s first conservation-focused venture studio has launched – in the UK
Combining Oxford University research, corporate expertise and seed funding, it’s set to launch up to 20 climate startups within two years. Meet the Oxford GAV Conservation Venture Studio.
Decoding by " Florence Wildblood
The world’s first conservation-focused venture studio has launched – in the UK

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