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ARTICLES BY “David Johnson”
Pushing the potential of creativity in driving social change, a profile of Edge VC
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Simon Andrews, Chief Investment Officer at Edge VC.
Portfolio by " Simon Andrews
QVC Blank Banner
Farmers take a walk on the wild side
Farmers in England will receive subsidies to rewild their land as part of wider, large-scale nature recovery projects announced by the UK government. Under the scheme, large areas of land will be managed to promote conservation, provide wildlife habitats and restore river and stream health.
Decoding by " Katie Chan
Farmers take a walk on the wild side
7 Tips for successful remote entrepreneurship in 2022
Remote entrepreneurship, sometimes referred to as being a digital nomad, is a popular way to work and make money while travelling. It's a business model that implies running your business from anywhere in the world, avoiding the limits imposed by international borders. It's a simple yet powerful concept that only requires a laptop, a good internet connection and the right mindset.
Tools by " Jordan Bishop
7 Tips for successful remote entrepreneurship in 2022
The race to a $100B European scale-up
Right out of the gate, 2021 felt like the year that the world of late-stage investing was turned upside down. The invasion of non-traditional investors (“NTIs”) such as Private Equity Firms into the startup funding scene scrambled the rules about valuation and metrics that venture capitalists and entrepreneurs had spent decades refining.
Opinion by " Raphaëlle d’Ornano
The race to a $100B European scale-up
Tinnitus support, video dating apps and £147M for Wayve all star in this week's Maddymoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Meet Payhawk, the all-in-one finance platform for businesses
For our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Hristo Borisov, cofounder & CEO of Payhawk, an integrated finance platform designed to give businesses maximum control over their spending.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Meet Payhawk, the all-in-one finance platform for businesses
What makes a successful pitch?
Are you an entrepreneur? Maddyness has compiled a toolkit to help you create, grow, and even sell your own startup. From recruiting a team and protecting your brand to financing your innovation, you will find tips, tools and advice to help you navigate the entrepreneurship labyrinth. In this article: several recommendations for making a memorable pitch.
Tools by " Maddyness
Rocket Launch
UK Tech funding landscape by Tracxn
As we enter into the new year 2022, let's take a look at how the startup UK ecosystem fared in the year 2021.
News by " Tracxn
UK Tech funding Landscape by Tracxn
How will in-person networking events be impacted by the rise of Gen Z professionals?
Recent research from Handshake has revealed that 67% of Gen Z professionals no longer believe they must have in-person interactions with professional connections to form meaningful relationships.
Opinion by " Bradley Foster
How will in-person networking events be impacted by the rise of Gen Z professionals?
Startup success: the difference between good and bad financial advice?
Over the lifespan of a startup, founders have a number of crucial decisions to make around fundraising and mergers and acquisitions (M&A). Without the right expertise, these decisions can lead to failure.
Tools by " Simon Lovick
Startup success: the difference between good and bad financial advice?
You need to be monitoring ESG if you have or want investors
With SFDR Phase 1 rules now in full force, it’s becoming essential for startups to know how well they’re doing on matters of environment, society and governance.
News by " Florence Wildblood
You need to be monitoring ESG if you have or want investors
The Metaverse: a tool for good – or doomed to fall foul of historic mistakes?
Medical schools are mulling the use of the metaverse to help to train doctors in tailored environments. The use of VR and augmented reality (AR) technologies allows for the replacement of actors pretending to be patients with holographic videos that are cheaper, safer and more flexible.
Decoding by " Sara Trett
The Metaverse: a tool for good – or doomed to fall foul of historic mistakes?
Four simple ways to boost your team's wellbeing this Blue Monday
Dubbed the most depressing day of the year, Blue Monday is the epitome of the post Christmas come down, with short days and gloomy weather making it no surprise that motivation levels are often at an all time low.
Tools by " Maddyness UK
Four simple ways to boost your team's wellbeing this Blue Monday
Show your team you care: 7 ideas for employee recognition and appreciation
Expressing employee gratitude can positively impact employees and the work they perform for your company.
Tools by " Ron Stefanski
Show your team you care: 7 ideas for employee recognition and appreciation

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