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ARTICLES BY “David Johnson”
Why investment in the pharmaceutical supply chain has never been more important
The pandemic has shown us how intrinsic technology has become to both our professional and personal lives. Whether it be video conferencing tools, or grocery ordering apps, without the technology, lockdowns around the world would have been a very different story.
Opinion by " Richard Ettl
Why investment in the pharmaceutical supply chain has never been more important
How to use video effectively in your business
The much-publicised firing via video link of 900 employees by a US company speaks volumes about how business have a long way to go to understand how to use remote video for key employee communications. What are the protocols? Or is the shift to remote mass working illustrating where in-person communications must be maintained?
Tools by " Dave Howell
How to use video effectively in your business
Tech to save time - time for what?
Many of us are marketing the digitisation of data as a time-saving phenomenon, but why is saving time actually useful? Will automation steal our jobs? Should we be worried or excited?
Opinion by " Maddyness UK
Tech to save time - time for what?
What should employers know about the end of the tax year?
As the end of the 2021/22 tax year approaches, the pressure is on for finance departments looking for a smooth sailing into the next. The key to an easy transition is knowing the important key dates for year-end tasks to avoid penalties from HMRC.
News by " Maddyness, with Payfit
What should employers know about the end of the tax year?
The future of finance has to be fun… and social
Money should be exciting and rewarding, shouldn’t it? The emergence of neobanks can be thanked for the digitalisation of personal finance, the ease of banking from a click of a button and a transfer at the drop of a hat. They’ve helped us with financial budgeting, tracking and the management of money - anytime and almost anywhere. Yet it's a dread for many and a bore for most.
Opinion by " Michael Wilkinson
The future of finance has to be fun… and social
Climate activists – this year’s hot appointment?
Germany has appointed Jennifer Morgan, former executive director of Greenpeace International, as its global climate envoy, according to Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock of the Greens party. Morgan takes up the post on 1 March and has said she will use her experience to support and implement the country's climate goals, as well as those of the EU and the international community.
Decoding by " Anja Pries
Climate activists – this year’s hot appointment?
Companies that matter, a profile of Giant Ventures
In the ever-growing investment landscape, funds are multiplying and diversifying, and for startups there is more to raising investment than the money and the media moment. With #QVCS Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Madelene Larsson, Investor at Giant Ventures.
Portfolio by " Madelene Larsson
QVCS Giant
Disruptive hydrogen fuel cells, pee equality, and plastic-free refillable deodorants in this week’s MaddyMoney
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Meet Planning-inc, the startup turning customer data into a competitive advantage
As part of our new quickfire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Stuart Russell, chief strategy officer of Planning-inc, about CRMs, CLVs, FVMs and NBAs to best understand your customers and their future behaviours.
Portfolio by " Stuart Russell
How the next big change in UK telecoms will benefit sole traders
You might have heard – the UK traditional phone network is about to become a thing of the past. Essentially BT Openreach is aiming to transfer more than 14 million legacy phones from the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) to internet-based, digital services by the end of 2025.
Decoding by " Sara Sheikh
How the next big change in UK telecoms will benefit sole traders
CBD oil and other tricks to overcome a fear of flying
Let’s take a look at a few smart techniques to help relax individuals who are currently suffering from too much stress.
Tools by " David Baker
CBD Oil and other tricks to overcome a fear of flying
How are cloud providers the answer to the data woes of startups? Maddyness speaks to Yepic AI
AI hasn’t just altered our everyday lives. It’s having a profound effect on how developers and businesses think about their relationship with the cloud. Maddyness spoke to Aaron Jones, CEO of Yepic AI, about the challenges virtual services present for cutting-edge startups and how he’s turning them into opportunities via OVHcloud’s platform-as-a-service offering.
Opinion by " Maddyness, with OVHCloud
Sovereignty and security are key to any cloud solution: Maddyness UK speaks to OVHcloud
Applications open for Microsoft’s AI for Environmental Sustainability Accelerator programme
Microsoft is looking for UK ventures to join their AI for Environmental Sustainability Accelerator programme. The programme, now in its fourth year, offers purpose-driven ventures in the UK the opportunity to advance their AI solutions to create positive environmental change.
News by " Maddyness, with Microsoft
Applications open for Microsoft’s AI for Environmental Sustainability Accelerator programme
The problem with ESG scores
ESG ratings should place increased emphasis on CO2 intensity and emissions rather than the current focus on disclosing corporate policy and objectives, according to an Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report on the Asia Pacific region.
Decoding by " Mubaasil Hassan
You need to be monitoring ESG if you have or want investors

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