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ARTICLES BY “David Johnson”
Meet DeepStream, the business centralising all business data exchanges in one cloud platform
As part of our quick fire questions series – or QFQs – we spoke to Jack Macfarlane of DeepStream about optimising the exchange of information in the transacting of goods and services on the best terms achievable in the fastest time.
Portfolio by " Jack Macfarlane
Meet DeepStream, the business centralising all business data exchanges in one cloud platform
Ayruu, the business travel management solution of tomorrow
Business trips are back! But booking them remains a pain in the neck, especially for companies that book through traditional channels. One solution is to choose a modern business travel management service to manage employees' travel during conferences, business meetings, and corporate events.
Tools by " Maddyness, with Ayruu
Ayruu, the business travel management solution of tomorrow
The term ‘ESG’ fails to capture the impact of what a responsible business is – but that doesn’t mean we should ignore it
Although it seems ESG’s rise to the top of the news agenda was swift, focus on its fundamental elements – Environment, Social, and Corporate Governance – are nothing new. Previously understood through the term ‘CSR’ or corporate social responsibility, many agree that ESG is merely the newest edition in a constant rebrand of the same principles. And in extreme cases, it’s considered a deceptive way of boosting corporate reputation: a guise distracting the industry from a lack of action being taken.
Opinion by " Nicola Stopps
The term ‘ESG’ fails to capture the holistic impact of what a responsible business is – but that doesn’t mean we should be ignoring it
Funding and scaling individuals and not-for-profits tackling climate change, a profile of Subak
With #QVCS, Maddyness profiles different funds to give founders and entrepreneurs the information they need to choose the right investor. Today we interview Amali de Alwis, CEO of Subak.
Portfolio by " Amali de Alwis
Funding and scaling individuals and not-for-profits tackling climate change, a profile of Subak
Web3 banking, a parenting app, and year round gifts in this week's MaddyMoney!
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
Over 3,000 business leaders, innovators, and investors to unite in the fight against climate change at Reset Connect London
Over 3,000 business leaders, innovators and investors are set to unite in the fight against climate change at the UK’s largest sustainability ecosystem and green investment event, Reset Connect London.
News by " Maddyness UK
Innovative sustainability event for investors in Climate Tech unveils exciting speaker line-up
New initiative launched to support careers in surgical technology
A new initiative has been launched to support academics and healthcare professionals to further develop their careers in the emerging world of surgical technology paving the way to improve patient outcomes in years to come.
News by " Maddyness UK
Startups: we’re finally talking about female entrepreneurship – so where do we go from here?
At long last, gender diversity in tech and VC has finally reached the top of the agenda! This is thanks to the tireless efforts of inspiring individuals and fearless entrepreneurs leading the way around the world.
Opinion by " Stéphanie Hospital
Startups: we’re finally talking about female entrepreneurship – so where do we go from here?
Composable commerce, the building blocks of successful commerce
What constitutes commerce success in 2022? It’s a seriously tough climate out there. In B2B and B2C, it's harder than ever to win and retain customers. There’s so much choice, and it's easy to switch suppliers, which means that customer experience has become the primary way of differentiation.
Opinion by " Alexander Graf
Composable commerce, the building blocks of successful commerce
We must break the link between CO2 emissions and economic growth
Fitch Ratings has said economic activity remains linked to CO2 emissions. It said breaking that link is vital to meeting climate targets amid continued increases in global GDP of up to 3% by 2024.
Decoding by " Mubaasil Hassan
We must break the link between CO2 emissions and economic growth
5 things I learned about VC investing from being on the other side of the table
Before becoming a VC, I was Head of Partnerships at Paris-based insurtech startup Luko, experiencing the challenges and scaling a startup firsthand.
Portfolio by " Pierre Bricault
5 things I learned about VC investing from being on the other side of the table
5 Marketing tools to increase revenue for your startup
Finding success as a startup business ultimately comes down to one key thing: sales. In simple terms, without enough sales, you won’t make any revenue. And, without any revenue, you won’t have a startup business anymore. So, to help make sure your startup remains as profitable as possible, we’re here to help.
Tools by " Daniel Groves
5 Marketing tools to increase revenue for your startup
AI liquid sensors, global recycling targets, and online dermatology appointments all feature on this week's MaddyMoney!
Every week, Maddyness brings you the latest investment news from the UK startup ecosystem. Here's a recap of this week's investments.
Decoding by " Maddyness UK
Maddymoney startup investment-news
MaddyEurope: A Baltic conference in Milan, an Amsterdam fintech in Italy, and a boost for European Cloud
Each month, Maddyness brings you MaddyEurope, highlighting the headlines that are powering Europe's startup ecosystem. Here's this month's selection.
News by " Maddyness UK
MaddyEurope: A Baltic conference in Milan, an Amsterdam fintech in Italy, and support for European Cloud

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