Imagine being far from home, managing your career and personal life, but constantly worrying about your parents’ health back in your home country. Many immigrants face this dilemma daily, struggling to coordinate medical care across different time zones, manage payments, and find quality care.

This was my reality as I tried to support my own parents while living abroad. The logistical nightmare of organising doctor appointments, handling emergencies, and managing remittances was overwhelming. I quickly realised this wasn’t just my problem—it was a widespread issue for millions of immigrants like me.

The catalyst for Nila came from this personal experience. I wanted to create a solution that allowed immigrants to take care of their loved ones’ health back home with ease and trust.

Nila is more than just an eldercare service—it’s a comprehensive support system providing 24/7 emergency assistance and personalised service for families in India, all while offering peace of mind to immigrants. We simplify and streamline eldercare management, so families can focus on what truly matters—being there for their loved ones.

Tell us about the business – what it is, what it aims to achieve, who you work with, how you reach customers, and so on?

Nila is an innovative healthtech business designed to provide comprehensive eldercare solutions for Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) who want to ensure their loved ones in India receive high-quality care and support. Our core mission is to offer peace of mind to NRIs by managing the healthcare and well-being of their elderly parents and family members from a distance.

We aim to revolutionise how NRIs care for their families in India by offering 24/7 emergency assistance and personalised care through dedicated Family Care Managers. Our goal is to bridge the gap between NRIs and their loved ones, ensuring access to timely medical care, routine health check-ups, and seamless coordination of healthcare needs.

We work with top healthcare providers across India, offering services in cities like Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Delhi, and Bangalore. Our customers are primarily NRIs living in countries like the UK, USA, Canada, Singapore, Australia, and Saudi Arabia. We reach them through digital channels, social media, word-of-mouth referrals, and partnerships with community organisations and trusted partners like Aviva.

How has the business evolved since its launch?

Nila was launched in early 2024 with a clear mission to address a critical need for NRIs: reliable, personalised eldercare for their families in India. Since then, the business has evolved rapidly, driven by customer needs and increasing demand for efficient healthcare solutions.

Initially, we served NRIs in key cities like Mumbai, Chennai, and Bangalore. However, recognising the need for broader coverage, we expanded our services across India. A key milestone was introducing the Emergency Plan, which provides comprehensive eldercare support, including emergency assistance and access to health records, for just £15/month.

Building trust has been another significant evolution. Our partnership with Aviva and a strong focus on customer testimonials have helped overcome initial scepticism. Today, Nila is seen as a credible, trusted partner for NRIs seeking top-tier care for their families.

Tell us about the working culture at Nila?

At Nila, empathy is at the core of everything we do. Our team deeply understands the emotional and practical challenges NRIs face when caring for elderly family members from afar. This shared sense of purpose creates a strong, community-driven culture where every team member, whether in tech, operations, or customer service, is passionate about making life easier for NRIs and their families.

We value flexibility, collaboration, and a customer-first mindset. These values guide us as we strive to deliver compassionate, reliable care to elders while fostering a supportive, dynamic work environment.

How are you funded?

Nila was incubated out of the Aviva Fintech Venture Studio, which also provided our first round of funding. This partnership has been invaluable, not just for the financial backing but for the industry expertise and credibility it brings. As we continue to grow, we are focused on securing additional investment to expand our reach and further enhance our services.

What has been your biggest challenge so far, and how have you overcome this?

Our biggest challenge has been building a cross-functional team across different time zones and cultures. With our customers primarily based in the UK, US, and other countries, we have growth and marketing functions in London while our operations and care teams are in India. Coordinating these teams across various time zones—Toronto, London, Mumbai, Chennai, and Hyderabad—has been a significant hurdle.

We’ve addressed this by fostering a culture of flexibility and open communication. Clear expectations, leveraging technology, and establishing strong processes have helped us streamline operations despite these logistical challenges.

Another challenge has been earning customer trust as a startup. Convincing NRIs to entrust us with their loved ones’ care wasn’t easy. Our partnership with Aviva and a focus on customer testimonials and social proof have been critical in overcoming this barrier.

How does Nila answer an unmet need?

Nila solves a major unmet need for NRIs by offering a seamless, trustworthy eldercare solution for their families in India. Many NRIs struggle to ensure their elderly parents receive reliable healthcare while managing everything from abroad. The challenges include:

  • Fragmented Healthcare System: Coordinating care from overseas can be a logistical nightmare. Nila simplifies this by providing a single point of contact—Family Care Managers—who handle everything from appointments to emergency support.
  • Lack of Real-Time Updates: NRIs often feel disconnected from their family’s healthcare due to time zone differences and poor communication. Nila’s platform offers 24/7 visibility, real-time updates, and access to health records.
  • Cross-Border Payment Issues: NRIs can pay for healthcare services without dealing with remittance fees or currency conversion hassles. This transparency ensures that funds are used directly for the care of their loved ones.

What’s in store for the future?

The future for Nila is focused on expanding our services and continuing to innovate in eldercare for NRIs. Here’s what’s next:

  • Geographic Expansion: We plan to expand to all tier-one cities in India by the end of 2024 and are exploring opportunities to serve families in other countries.
  • Deeper Partnerships: We’re exploring strategic partnerships with healthcare providers, insurance companies, and remittance platforms to further improve access to affordable, high-quality care.
  • Customised Care Plans: We will introduce even more personalised care plans tailored to specific health needs, ensuring that elderly family members receive the best possible care.

What one piece of advice would you give other founders or future founders?

My advice is to stay deeply connected to the problem you’re solving. Understand your customers’ pain points intimately, and build your solution with their needs at the forefront. Don’t get distracted by growth strategies or shiny product features—focus on solving the core issue your customers face, and your business will succeed.

Stay flexible, keep validating your idea, and be willing to pivot if necessary. Surround yourself with a strong support network and never lose sight of why you started.

And finally, a more personal question! What’s your daily routine and the rules you’re living by at the moment?

My daily routine is all about maximising productivity and balancing different time zones.

I start the day with a walk in the park with my dog—it helps clear my mind before the day begins. Mornings, UK time, are for meetings with the India team and handling status updates. I prioritise addressing blockers for the team to ensure smooth progress.

In the late afternoon, I shift focus to sales calls with UK and East Coast clients. After that, I end the day with a workout—I’m a big fan of group fitness classes, which keep me accountable and energized.

Evenings are for more focused, creative work like website design, automation, and finally sales calls with West Coast clients. I wind down with a quick walk to clear my head before settling in for the night.

Anthony Jacob is the founder of Nila.