The Illusion of Social Media

"What you see on Instagram is bait. Real life, as you know it, is much more complex than that.”

These words resonate with anyone who has scrolled through curated feeds, wondering why their own life doesn’t match the glossy perfection on display.

We often forget that life is made of ups and downs. Our highest joy wouldn't feel the same if they were not preceded by moments of deep sadness. Our greatest victories would not be possible if we didn't learn from our biggest failures.

Mars acknowledges that reality is messier, richer, and more nuanced than filtered snapshots. His antidote? Alignment.

The Power of Alignment

At the heart of 'PAUSE' lies the concept of alignment. It’s the ability to live in harmony with our inner truth—our thoughts, hopes, and aspirations. Mars draws from his experiences and conversations with ordinary people who have achieved extraordinary things.

The list is long. From comedians Kad Merad to producer Alexia Laroche-Joubert, by way of intrepid investor Noa Khamallah, Alexandre Mars explores the journeys of those who had to not only overcome obstacles, but fight against the prejudices against their ethnicity, gender, social class or handicap.

Through his podcast, aptly named PAUSE, whose can be found through the QR Code at the end of every chapter, he shares their stories, revealing the common thread that ties them together: alignment.

Finding Your Path

“Let’s take a break together”

Mars encourages. Let’s pause together and explore what he’s learned. Each flaw and strength, every vulnerability and asset—these shape our unique paths toward alignment.

At the beginning of Chapter Four, he quotes Oscar Wilde "Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken."

In a digital era, where social media creates, each day, gazillion of "roles models", influencers and stars, deified as modern gods, one must remember that their most valuable asset is their own difference. You will never be like somebody else, have somebody else's success, for the simple fact that you come from a different journey, and that the path of your destiny isn't copied on an Instagram influencer.

Whether you’re navigating doubts, failures, or fears, they all contribute to your journey. As Mars puts it:

“Each of your flaws, but also each of your strengths, will help you chart your path to an aligned life.”

The Author’s Journey

Alexandre Mars wears many hats—an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and founder of Epic Foundation. His investment firm, Blisce, has supported startups like Too Good To Go, Brut, and Spotify. He’s also behind INFINITE, an initiative that opens doors for students from underprivileged backgrounds to attend top schools and universities worldwide. As an Ambassador and Board member of the Paris 2024 Games, Mars believes in the lasting impact of major sporting events beyond mere competition.

Aligning Personal Fulfilment and Societal Benefit

Mars’s journey isn’t just about personal success; it’s about societal impact. His podcast, PAUSE, serves as a platform for aligning personal fulfilment with broader benefit.

By redefining our definition of success, Mars makes us reflect on our goals. Will you spend your life crushing those below you, blinded by greed and misplaced ambition, or will you help your employees, your people, your country, and even sometimes total strangers who were not as lucky as you, achieve a better life. Far from diminishing one's success, we must remember that our achievements are closely linked to others, and the privileges we were born with.

Whether through entrepreneurship or philanthropy, Mars exemplifies the power of purpose-driven action. His principles guide not only his own endeavours but also inspire others to find their alignment.


'PAUSE: Pour une vie alignée' is more than a book—it’s a call to pause, reflect, and align. Mars’s wisdom reminds us that life’s complexities don’t need filters; they need authenticity. So, let’s take that pause, embrace our flaws, and forge our paths toward alignment.

“Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact: Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you" - Steve Jobs.

Want to know more? Follow this link to order PAUSE by Alexandre Mars.

Listen to the PAUSE podcast here.