The place and the social circumstances you're born in will, indisputably, define your place in society, and how far the latter will allow you to go.

Being born in a wealthy environment, where the gates of the best schools automatically open to you, where you can rely on thousands of connections, will definitely make your life easier.

But now isn't time to challenge the status quo. It's time to take it down.

Entrepreneurs throughout History have proven to stand against the constraints of society, to melt those invisible chains holding them back. But now, more of them, more of you, have an ally; BORRN is here.

Spotlighting Europe-wide innovation, BORRN invests time, talent, and expertise in founders determined to drive change, as proven by their latest collaboration Demitris Memos, CEO of hoper.

Support, collaborate, challenge

In a bold move away from the equity-heavy demands of traditional venture studios, BORRN introduces a fresh and innovative approach to startup support and collaboration. Originating from the insights and aspirations of the team behind REBORRN, a hybrid of Consultants and Makers, BORRN fights the status quo and passionately partners with founders, halving their time to market to accelerate world-changing innovations.

The founders and entrepreneurs behind REBORRN, George Vareloglou, and Costas Mantziaris, join forces with Mathilda Nathan, a scale-up expert with 12 years of experience in the European startup ecosystem, including at Groupon, Deliveroo, and Zego, to found BORRN.

“We believe we can help founders navigate the complexities of launching and scaling their ventures” says Mathilda.

Track record of accomplishments

BORRN becomes a powerful platform, offering customised support to entrepreneurs across industries validating new hypotheses, blending GTM strategy, Storytelling & Pitching, and Product Design. With a focus on enabling founders' growth, BORRN has already propelled various startups towards significant milestones, proving its commitment to transforming visions into achievements. The team has already:

  • Launched a business networking product in under three weeks
  • Repositioned a tech platform from B2C to B2B
  • Propelled an ed-tech startup to beta testing
  • Collaborated with health tech teams on two-week sprints

They've worked across micro-mobility, re-commerce, hospitality and more, helping startups secure their first customers, grow their teams, and achieve successful acquisitions.

Fly me to Mykonos

Their latest collaboration with Demitris Memos, second time founder, seasoned entrepreneur, and former MarineTraffic Founder and CEO, is set to revolutionise travel to the Greek islands with the launch of hoper this May. hoper introduces the first scheduled helicopter airline in Greece, offering daily connectivity and dramatically reducing travel time to these beautiful destinations. This innovation is poised to transform regional transportation, making the Greek islands more accessible than ever before.

“Working side by side with a dedicated and passionate team of experts at BORRN, we were able to go from a business plan to a fully launched business in a matter of months. That in itself substantially decreased the time for our Go-To-Market.” - said Dimitris Kossyfas, CCO of hoper

In this groundbreaking endeavour, BORRN contributed to a number of significant aspects ranging from storytelling and product design to the overall customer journey. On top of that, Mathilda being appointed to hoper’s board of advisors, underscores a deep commitment to transforming regional transportation, among many more to come.

"Just as a startup can begin in one place and eventually achieve real value and impact, so too did my collaboration with the REBORRN team evolve unexpectedly," explains Matilda Nathan.