The seeds of ecological awareness are finally germinating.

Carried by a breeze of hope and concern for the future, the seeds are now growing if not thriving in people's hearts and brains, but also in companies' office.

But like plants sometimes need a stake to grow into the right direction, so do companies. Despite their best efforts, compliance with the CSRD and other regulatory requirements can prove to be adding a lot of pressure on companies but also be time consuming.

Acting as a support stake to these organisations, Sweep, the sustainability data management platform, has announced the launch of generative AI-powered features.

AI comes to the rescue

The new capabilities include:

  • “Sweepy”, an AI assistant which drastically improves data ingestion, provides suggested mapping of financial and impact materiality based on industry benchmarks, and automates non-financial data reporting and disclosures
  • AI-powered recommendations for emissions factors, tailored to the specific activities of the business, plus effective action plans for emissions reductions and other sustainability goals
  • AI suggestions to resolve data input anomalies which would otherwise compromise compliance and audit processes

These innovations will drastically reduce the amount of time it takes to ingest the millions of sustainability data points that can be required to comply with regulations such as the European Union’s CSRD.

“The CSRD and other ESG regulations are a hugely positive step in the right direction, but they are putting immense pressure on organisations to understand, gather and disclose their data accurately." says Rachel Delacour, CEO and co-founder at Sweep.

"By using AI, these organisations can spend less time on gathering data and more time acting upon it, making reporting efficient and accurate, while better utilising the time of sustainability professionals. We’re excited to see the impact these latest and truly unique innovations will have on the market.” adds Rachel

Positive Consequences

To meet the fast-evolving sustainability challenges faced by businesses, Sweep has integrated Consequence, a startup specialised in creating AI tools to calculate and process massive data sets in seconds.

Consequence’s UK and US-based co-founders James and Elliot Poulter and their team are now integrated into Sweep’s staff, building technology able to transform normally painstaking processes, so clients can focus their time and attention on acting upon climate-negative business operations. Today they complete Sweep’s market-leading team of developers to deliver the best sustainability data platform on the market.

“Sweep is an industry leader in data management, continuing to invest in the latest technology to supercharge the platform. It’s well-known that Artificial Intelligence is only as good as the data it receives." says Yannick Chaze, Sweep’s CTO and co-founder.

"Combining Sweep’s powerful data management platform with increased AI functionalities will accelerate data collection and reporting, and empower our customers to reduce their climate and environmental impacts.” adds Yanick

With the new AI team on board, Sweep plans to launch further AI tools and features over the coming months to continue building the best sustainability software on the market.