Linkedin is the ultimate storefront window for business and if your career is important to you then you need to take Linkedin very seriously.

This is not another social media platform, after all Bill Gates has the highest followers on Linkedin and not Selena Gomez!

But you can be in Linkedin and also be invisible so let's go through some common mistakes and how to avoid them.

Picture Perfect

Remember, this is no ordinary social media platform. A missing profile picture or a casual selfie just won’t cut it so make sure your photo is set to public.

To enhance your profile picture, you can use AI tools that can transform that selfie into a stunning professional portrait. No more excuses; let’s get you looking the part.

Your profile picture is your first impression – make it count. It should exude professionalism and approachability, setting the tone for your entire profile.

Banner Brilliance

Treat your LinkedIn profile like your personal website – it's your online identity. Make it pop with a branded banner that speaks volumes about your personality and what you offer! Use your company’s logo or, better yet, craft a banner that showcases your favorite quote. Canva is a great tool to use for this.

Your banner is prime real estate for showing your creative side or your professional ethos. Think of it as a billboard advertising who you are and what you stand for.

Beyond the Job Title

You are not defined by your job title alone. Tell the world what you really do, and don’t stop there. Are you a public speaker, a mentor, or a jack of all trades? Include it all. Show off your diverse skill set; it’s what sets you apart.

This section is your chance to tell your story, not just list your skills. What are your passions? What challenges have you overcome? Let your profile narrate your professional journey.

Ditch the Ordinary

Nobody’s interested in just where you’ve worked; they want to know what you’ve achieved. This is your golden opportunity to shine ( and brag). Don’t hold back; let your accomplishments do the talking. Use this space to highlight significant achievements, projects, and impacts you've made.

Remember, quantifiable achievements often speak louder than words, so include numbers and results where you can.

Engage and Elevate

On LinkedIn, interaction is king. Liking is good, but commenting is where the magic happens. It is also a cheatsheet to grow your followers. Share your insights, ask questions,join discussions and the more you participate, the more visible you become.

So, start commenting and let your voice be heard! Regular engagement not only increases your visibility but also establishes you as a thought leader in your field. Share articles, join discussions, and connect with others. Your network is your net worth on LinkedIn and people buy people so you want to show what you are about and how you can help others through your expertise.

Bonus Tip: Keep updating your profile

The same way you would update your websites with case studies, new client wins and thought pieces is what you need to do on Linkedin.

Don't let your profile gather dust after the initial setup. Stay active by regularly updating your experience, sharing relevant content, and engaging with others.

LinkedIn is a dynamic platform, so be prepared to adapt and evolve your profile as your career journey unfolds.

Evelyn Oluwole is a Global Sales Director, Bloom Member & Mentor, Coach and School Governor at Harris Federation.