"Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean." - Ryunosuke Satoro

What is a drop but a cold tear, a vain effort to irrigate the land?

Unable to water a field, to water a plant, to quench anyone's thirst, a single drop, despite all its potential, will abruptly crash on dry land, before slowly disappearing.

It is in unity that drops have an impact. They can turn into a sweet drizzle, a torrential rain or a mythical Flood, wiping out all life on Earth but Noah and his Ark.

Only unity can create change, only in unity can strength be found.

In their mission to unify the entire logistics value chain, Stockoss creates a more sustainable path for the resilience of the warehouse and logistics sector, enabling owners to more effectively use existing space rather than building new stock to meet demand.

Funding Unity

The £3.48M seed funding led by London-based VC Pi Labs signifies a major milestone in Stockoss' mission to streamline and enhance supply chain management for companies while providing independent logistics service providers (3PLs) access to its cutting-edge technology that enables them to make better use of existing warehouse space. Additional backing was provided by Global Brain, 50Partners, Hartwood and Kima Ventures.

Founded by Laurent Bonnet and Franck Nussbaumer, Stockoss offers 100% digitalised warehousing and logistics services for customers such as Stellantis, Netflix and Jacquemus to meet their ever-growing storage and distribution needs across a fast-growing network of high-quality logistics and warehouse partners in multiple locations.

Unifying and Improving

Much of Europe’s 35,000+ warehouse stock is under ownership of multiple, independent players, unable to meet the demands of today’s logistics customers due to the fragmented, disconnected and localised nature of the market. Stockoss creates a more sustainable path for the resilience of the warehouse and logistics sector, enabling owners to more effectively use existing space rather than building new stock to meet demand.

By unifying the entire logistics value chain and improving the visibility, efficiency and automation of operations, Stockoss gives independent, localised warehouse owners a platform to operate on a much bigger scale and compete with bigger rivals. For customers, Stockoss provides an Amazon-like user experience enabling them to ship and store their products and stock at the click of a button.

Warehouses to reindustrialise Europe

The logistics industry is at a crossroads, marked by economic uncertainties and mounting environmental concerns. The re-industrialisation of Europe is leading to the reshoring of warehousing which has increased demand for more sustainable and digitised supply chains. With its next-generation software, Stockoss is ideally placed to meet these demands and accelerate the digital transformation of the logistics sector.

The company has 180 customers, 650,000 products in storage and manages 55,000 monthly shipments with a team of just 22. With a rapidly expanding network of warehouses, Stockoss is aiming to roll out its product to partners and customers across Europe.

"Stockoss reflects our overall mission to invest in technology that will digitalise and decarbonise the built environment, particularly in logistics and distribution which is one of the fastest-growing segments in the sector. We are thrilled to be supporting Laurent and Franck as they execute their vision to leverage technology to automate operations and drive sustainable growth in logistics.” says Faisal Butt, Founder and Managing Partner at Pi Labs.