Tools by Jona Hauch
20 October 2023
20 October 2023
Temps de lecture : 1 minute
1 min

A comprehensive guide to Web3 accelerator programs worldwide

This article provides an in-depth analysis of accelerator programs and provides an overview of 10 notable Web3 accelerators worldwide.
Temps de lecture : 1 minute

Web3 accelerators are organisations that play a pivotal role in fostering innovation and growth within the blockchain and broader Web3 technology space. According to Statista, the global blockchain technology market size is predicted to reach $39.7B by 2025, a figure which could be accelerated by the presence of such programs.

Understanding Web3 accelerator programs

Web3 accelerator programs are specialized initiatives that provide crucial resources to blockchain and decentralized technology startups. These programs typically encompass financial support, mentorship, and access to a diverse network of industry experts, potential collaborators, and investors. They are particularly tailored for startups that have already developed a minimum viable product (MVP) and secured initial customer feedback.

Web3 accelerator programs, such as Outlier Venture or Blockchain Founders Group, typically provide funding to chosen startups in exchange for a share of ownership (equity). The exact amount of equity acquired by the accelerator can vary based on factors like the investment size, the potential of the business model, the startup stage, and the competence of the team. However, it's generally recommended that the equity stake acquired by the accelerator should not substantially exceed 10%.

Web3 accelerators are strategically structured to expedite the maturation of emerging startups by helping them navigate challenges with speed and efficiency. By bringing together cohorts of startups, these programs foster an environment of peer learning and networking. This collaborative atmosphere encourages knowledge sharing, enabling founders to glean insights and support from their peers as they collectively embark on their Web3 journey.

Different types of startup accelerator programs

There's a variety of startup accelerator programs available, each with its own unique focus and approach. Here are some of the most common types:

  1. Sector-specific accelerator programs: These programs concentrate on startups within a particular industry or sector, such as healthcare, education, or clean energy. They offer tailored support and resources that cater to the specific needs of startups in that sector. This often includes access to mentors and investors with expertise in the industry.
  2. Regional accelerator programs: Regional accelerators have a geographic focus, supporting startups within a specific location, be it a city, state, or country. They are attuned to the nuances of the local startup ecosystem and provide connections to mentors and investors within that region.
  3. Incubator programs: Incubators primarily aid early-stage startups in their development and growth. These programs typically offer workspace, mentorship, and support as startups work on developing their products and services. You can learn more about startup incubator programs here.
  4. Accelerator-incubator programs: Combining elements from both accelerator and incubator models, these programs provide support and resources to startups at various stages of development, from early-stage to growth-stage. They often have a specific focus, such as technology or social impact, and offer a wide range of tailored support and resources.
  5. Corporate accelerator programs: Run by large corporations, these programs extend support and resources to startups that align with the corporation's strategic goals and interests. They frequently grant access to the corporation's technology, expertise, and network of customers and partners.

Each type of startup accelerator program comes with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Entrepreneurs should conduct thorough research and comparisons among different programs to identify the one that aligns best with their specific needs and objectives. Whether you seek sector-specific guidance, regional connections, early-stage nurturing, or corporate collaborations, there's likely a startup accelerator program that can provide the necessary support to help your startup thrive.

Advantages and disadvantages of startup accelerator programs


  1. Mentorship and guidance: One of the most significant benefits of accelerator programs is the mentorship and guidance they provide. These programs often assemble a roster of experienced entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts who offer invaluable advice and support to participating startups. For early-stage ventures lacking access to such expertise, this mentorship is priceless.
  2. Networking opportunities: Accelerator programs are known for their networking events and gatherings. These platforms enable startups to connect with fellow entrepreneurs, potential investors, and strategic partners. Building these relationships can open doors to new growth opportunities and success.
  3. Access to funding: Accelerator programs frequently offer access to funding. Some directly provide investment capital to startups, while others facilitate introductions to investors and venture capital firms. This financial support is particularly vital for early-stage startups seeking to expand and develop their businesses.


  1. Time commitment: Participating in an accelerator program can be time-consuming and demanding. Startups often need to engage in regular workshops, meetings, and events, diverting time away from daily operations and business growth.
  2. Equity requirements: Many accelerator programs come with equity requirements. In exchange for the support and resources provided, startups are expected to give up a portion of their equity. This equity sacrifice can be a substantial decision for early-stage companies, necessitating careful consideration of the terms of any equity agreement before joining an accelerator program.

It's crucial for entrepreneurs to carefully weigh these advantages and disadvantages when contemplating participation in a startup accelerator program. While these programs offer invaluable mentorship, networking, and funding opportunities, they also demand a significant commitment of time and may involve equity trade-offs that could impact the long-term ownership and control of the startup.

10 notable Web3 startup accelerator programs

Outlier Ventures Base Camp 

Outlier Ventures Base Camp is a Web3-focused accelerator program. It offers investment support and a structured program to help startups develop a minimum viable product (MVP). The program is designed to empower startups with a strong Web3 foundation, backed by expert mentorship and a vibrant networking community. It's a launchpad for Web3 innovators, providing financial backing and essential resources for their success.

Blockchain Founders Group

Blockchain Founders Group (BFG) operates a global incubator and accelerator program (incubator: BFG Superstars, accelerator: BFG Adrenaline, focusing on blockchain startups. They invest in, support, and mentor these startups, offering financial assistance, networking opportunities, and expert guidance. BFG's mission is to nurture and accelerate blockchain innovation worldwide, making them a crucial resource for aspiring blockchain entrepreneurs.

Techstars Web3 Accelerator

Techstars Web3 Accelerator, in partnership with Alchemist, is a program supporting startups in blockchain innovation. It offers capital, mentorship, and access to an expert network. This collaborative effort creates a robust platform for blockchain startups to thrive and succeed.

Y Combinator

Y Combinator (YC) is a prestigious startup accelerator that has expanded its focus to include Web3 technologies. It provides early-stage technology companies, particularly those in the Web3 space, with essential seed funding, mentorship, and networking opportunities, positioning itself as a valuable ally for startups aiming to drive innovation in decentralised and blockchain-based solutions.

500 Startups

500 Startups is a prominent global venture capital firm that focuses on various tech sectors, including blockchain and cryptocurrency. Through its accelerator programs, it supports and accelerates Web3 startups worldwide. With a vast network, investment expertise, and specialized mentorship, 500 Startups empowers Web3 ventures to thrive in the dynamic blockchain and crypto landscape.

a16z START

a16z START is a program specifically designed for early-stage founders in the initial phases of building their businesses. It offers funding, mentorship, and access to a wide network of investors and partners. This program provides critical support to empower founders as they navigate the early challenges of entrepreneurship and turn their innovative ideas into successful ventures.

Binance Labs

Binance Labs is the venture arm of Binance, the world's largest cryptocurrency exchange. Its mission is to support and empower blockchain and cryptocurrency entrepreneurs. Binance Labs achieves this through incubation, strategic investments, mentorship, and a global network. It serves as a catalyst for innovation in the blockchain and crypto space, nurturing visionary projects and driving global impact.


Antler is a global venture capital firm specializing in early-stage startups. They invest in and assist in launching new businesses worldwide. With a focus on providing crucial support to startups in their early stages, Antler offers both funding and comprehensive mentorship, serving as a catalyst for innovation and entrepreneurship on a global scale.

CV Labs

CV Labs is a Swiss blockchain hub at the forefront of blockchain technology. It supports global startups, corporates, and investors in harnessing the potential of blockchain. Specialising in blockchain innovation, CV Labs offers resources, mentorship, and networking for startups, fosters collaboration between startups and corporations, and connects investors with promising blockchain projects. This hub serves as a global center for blockchain advancement and collaboration.


Fractal is a web3 accelerator program that focuses on supporting and advancing web3 startups. They offer funding, mentorship, and access to a network of investors and partners. Fractal's specialised support system is designed to empower startups within the web3 ecosystem, helping them succeed and drive innovation in blockchain, decentralised applications, and cryptocurrencies.


In conclusion, Web3 accelerator programs are pivotal players in fostering innovation and growth within the blockchain and broader Web3 technology space. With the global blockchain technology market projected to reach $39.7 billion by 2025, these programs can significantly accelerate the industry's development.

This comprehensive guide has delved into the world of accelerator programs, offering insights into the different types available and their respective advantages and disadvantages. It has also highlighted ten notable Web3 startup accelerator programs, each contributing uniquely to the Web3 ecosystem.

These programs empower startups through funding, mentorship, and access to valuable networks, ultimately propelling the development of groundbreaking technologies. As the Web3 journey continues to evolve, the support of these incubators and accelerators remains instrumental in driving the industry forward.

The path to Web3 is characterized by boundless possibilities and challenges. With unwavering support from these dedicated programs, entrepreneurs and innovators worldwide are poised to push the boundaries of what's achievable in this transformative era of the internet.

Jona Hauch is Business Development Associate at Blockchain Founders Group.

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Unsplash © Jr Korpa
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