My co-founder Joe and I were passionate athletes constantly getting injured. 

One day whilst Joe was doing DIY in his own house, he put a stool end onto a drill and started using it on his achilles, it felt like the expensive shock wave therapy he had experienced in a central London clinic, he couldn’t believe how it alleviated the pain.

He was a professional rugby player at the time and took his DIY massage drill into the changing room of Harlequins and 40 lads burst out laughing. He left the room and came back 30 minutes later to find all the players using it and offering him cash out of their wallets so he could build them one. England and Bristol rugby player, Kyle Sinckler, was MyoMaster’s first customer. 

We came together to build the world’s best sports recovery brand, on a mission to give every athlete the products and knowledge they need to unlock their greatest ever performance. 

Tell me about the business - what it is, what it aims to achieve, who you work with, how you reach customers and so on?

We are on a mission to build the best sports brand in the world. We are principally a D2C brand, building a community and creating products that help people to become better athletes and take better care of their bodies. 

Can you tell our readers about your engagement with the Google for Startups Black Founders Fund?

The Google for Startups Black Founders Fund has been game changing for us. The opportunity to work with some of the smartest minds in tech and also be connected with 40 other founders who are building and facing the same challenges. 

Google is setting the example. I only wish other companies would follow suit. 

Tell us about the working culture at MyoMaster.

We have built our working culture around our core values: 

  • Let them call you crazy. We chase our wildest dreams with conviction. 
  • Set the standard. Without discipline, executed daily, we will not succeed. 
  • You are winning or learning. Failure is simply a part of the process.
  • Go the extra mile. Always go above and beyond for the customer, the team and the athletes. 
  • Thrive in the trenches. Get the job done and do it as a team.
  • Believe in the power of sport. Sport has the power to change the world.

How are you funded?

We’ve raised a couple of small rounds of investment from a number of angels. Our complete focus is on driving profitability and being a business that sustains itself. My belief is that for 99% of businesses the VC model of hyper growth is absolutely not the right path. We want to build a business that is sustainable, gives us the freedom to look after our community and bring to market products that we really believe in. 

What has been your biggest challenge so far and how have you overcome this?

The biggest challenge has been cutting through the noise. Almost anyone can launch a product, start a business, the barriers to entry are very very low today. It means you have to really focus on the fundamentals, a great product, great brand, exceptional customer service and making people feel part of something bigger than just a purchase. 

How does MyoMaster answer an unmet need?

There is no brand in the world that is building what we are. The brand that prioritises making recovery inspiring and an exciting part of training. Then supports you with not only the products but the knowledge to understand how you can optimise your body and your performance. 

What’s in store for the future?

We have a real focus on building our community, driving value for them and ultimately helping them become better athletes. We are focused on three things, developing more innovative products that help you take care of your muscles and joints, investing in our community and building the business profitably so we can continue to grow and serve. 

What one piece of advice would you give other founders or future founders?

Be obsessed with your customer, know exactly who they are, what they love and what products they are interested in. Get out and speak to them, get to know them, on the ground. I think a lot of founders make the mistake of trying to target everyone and I think that is a dangerous strategy when you are small. Don’t be afraid to be focused when you get started you can build out from there. 

And finally, a more personal question! What’s your daily routine and the rules you’re living by at the moment?

Daily routine:

  • 5.30am: Wake up, spend 30 minutes planning my day and catching up on emails with coffee + collagen 
  • 06.00: Train 
  • 07:00: Get ready and see my son
  • 08:00: Head to the office 
  • Until 12: Do work and avoid meetings 
  • After 12: Meetings and team catch ups 
  • 18.00: Head home for dinner, chill and personal admin
  • 21.00: BED!

Rules I swear by: 

  • Daily exercise 
  • 4 hours deep work daily 
  • No booze
  • Focus on one thing at a time 
  • No TV Mon-Thurs
  • 6. Hard Stop Wednesday PM to be with my family

Lottie Whyte is CEO at MyoMaster.

The Black Founders Fund aims to tackle racial inequality in venture capital funding. In June 2023, 40 selected Black-led startups received $150,000 each in non-dilutive cash awards through the fund. The Black Founders Fund was first launched in 2021 with a $2M (£1.5M) fund - this year’s fund doubled to $4M (approx. £3.3M). 

Prior to the fund’s launch in 2021, less than 0.25% of venture capital (VC) funding went to Black-led startups in the UK. 

British tech startups make up a quarter of the 40 companies selected across Europe and are set to transform a wide range of sectors - this year’s UK startups are using technology to transform the fitness industry, tackle the country’s workforce shortage and disrupt rental insurance.