While challenges may have been aplenty and victories may have seemed scarce, it's time to step back, take pride in how far you've come, and amplify the outstanding actions your company is undertaking to create a better world. These accomplishments deserve to be celebrated and shared far and wide. 

Why is this emphasis on positive impact crucial, you may wonder? The truth is, in today's landscape, employees are seeking out workplaces that align with their values and provide meaningful, flexible, and forward-thinking environments. Cone Communications millennial engagement study revealed that a staggering 76% of millennials consider a company's social and environmental commitments before deciding where to work. Positive impact has transitioned from being a "nice-to-have" to an indispensable element for any progressive team.

So, let's shift the spotlight to the remarkable achievements your company has accomplished. One way to do this is by entering your company into The Escape 100, a campaign run by Escape The City that aims to spotlight the top social enterprises, B-Corps and impactful startups to work at in 2023. 

Read on to discover five areas where accomplishments deserve to be shouted from the rooftops.

Showcasing an inspiring mission 

Let's start with your company's mission statement. In the past, mission statements primarily revolved around profit and meeting sales targets. However, in today's world, they are increasingly centred around addressing environmental or social issues, often drawing inspiration from global initiatives such as the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Take a look at the 17 SDGs and the 169 targets here.

It's crucial to recognise that a purpose-driven mission statement profoundly impacts your employees. Research indicates that in companies that have clearly defined and effectively communicated their values and mission, employees are 63% more motivated and 65% more passionate about their work compared to those in other companies. This is particularly relevant today, as reflection during the pandemic has prompted individuals to reevaluate their career paths and seek a clear sense of purpose.

Celebrating local and global impact

When it comes to impact, the focus is often on where sales are made or where country managers operate. It’s important to consider the reach of your impact and where your mission is making a difference. Does your impact extend to the local, national, transnational, or global level? Do you collaborate with mission-driven companies on the ground in other countries?

By championing and highlighting the reach of your impact, you not only showcase the positive change your company is driving but also inspire others to do the same. It's a testament to the fact that positive impact knows no boundaries.

Prioritising the planet

Climate change stands as humanity's most pressing challenge today. Contemplating the Paris Climate Agreement, Extinction Rebellion movements, or the rise of renewable energy and "green politics" can be overwhelming. 

And whilst companies have a crucial role to play in addressing climate change, tackling climate issues on a daily basis may not be feasible for every company. It's essential to adopt practices that minimise environmental impact and promote sustainability. Small steps can generate significant results. 

Do your company's policies reflect a commitment to the planet? And, more importantly, how effectively are these policies translated into action? Whether it's reducing your company's carbon footprint, implementing recycling initiatives, or promoting eco-friendly practices among employees, every action counts.

Building a flexible future

It’s no secret that flexibility has become an increasingly desired preference for employees. Having had it made much more widely available during the pandemic, flexibility not only attracts top talent, but it also fosters a positive work environment and promotes work-life balance.

According to a recent survey by CIPD, 87% of UK employees consider work-life balance as an essential factor in their job satisfaction. Offering flexible working arrangements is an effective way to support this balance, allowing employees to better manage their personal and professional lives.

Asides from the impact on employee wellbeing and positive work environment, flexibility also has significant benefits for the planet, particularly in the reduction of carbon emissions and traffic congestion. According to analysis by the International Energy Agency, if employees who typically commute to the office worked remotely for just half of the week, it could result in a substantial decrease in CO2 emissions. Additionally, flexible working contributes to the conservation of natural resources by reducing energy consumption in office buildings and minimising the need for business travel.

Embracing innovation 

Innovation is the lifeblood of progress, and companies that dare to do things differently often lead the way. By breaking the mould and adopting unique approaches, you inspire not only your team but the industry as a whole.

Ask yourself: Does your company stand out by adopting unconventional methods, revolutionising customer experiences, reimagining operations, or prioritising a distinctive HR strategy? Celebrate these differences and highlight the ways in which your company is driving positive change through its innovative practices. Showcase these by entering The Escape 100.

Hopefully this list has got you thinking about the ways that you and your team are already smashing it, and why it’s crucial to celebrate your achievements. 

If you’d like to shout about your company’s impact, applications are now open for The Escape 100, a list spotlighting the top mission-led companies in 2023. It’s free to enter and winners get accreditation, visibility and a prize package. Apply before 6th June. Good luck!

Apply now>

Hilary Owen is a Brand and Marketing Consultant and Marketing Lead at Escape The City.