AI in the workplace is fundamentally altering how businesses function, and with tools like Chat GPT at our fingertips, there is a strong temptation to fall into the mindset that AI can provide all the solutions. But, in order to effectively use AI, businesses, and startups in particular, should recognise the optimum environment required to enable AI to thrive. This starts by building the proper foundations to utilise the data, striking the right balance between AI and human input and integrating AI into other technology systems that optimise resources.

The benefits of good technology for startups

Good technology can be a game-changer for startups in today's fast-paced world. Data conducted by IMB found that the vast majority (92%) of business leaders are confident in their ability to integrate AI technology into their operations within the next three years. It’s clear that tools and technologies such as ChatGPT and AI algorithms can help startups complete tasks that have previously taken a long time, allowing them to focus on more complex problems. The evolution of technology has improved productivity significantly. While AI and ChatGPT provide significant advantages, it's essential to be mindful that AI is only one piece of the puzzle when it comes to data and technology optimisation. A common mistake startup organisations make is assuming that once you have good data and algorithms, you can start making smart decisions. In reality, AI will be of little impact if not merged into a broader strategy of process transformation. That requires platforms capable of dynamically composing those new elements of innovation and, through them, reinventing how decisions are made. This approach will guide the future of technology, and it can be transformational in the success of startups.

Blending AI and human intelligence

The introduction of AI and ChatGPT has significantly impacted startups' ability to think quickly and implement strategies. However, it's essential to view AI as a tool rather than a comprehensive solution for decision-making. While AI can provide more data, evidence, and choices, ultimately, the person at the end of the chain must make the final decision. It's important to note that AI still requires human judgment as it can be a blunt instrument.

This is exemplified by the hypothetical scenario of asking AI what the best solution is for eliminating global starvation, to which its response would be to "eliminate humanity." This example highlights the continuing need for human intuition and analysis to reach optimised decisions. In the military sector, there's a lot of talk about machine teaming, where AI-driven machines team up with soldiers to make decisions. While AI is a crucial part of this system, judgment is still required at the end of the chain, where experience and human analysis are crucial.

To avoid overreliance on generative AI tools such as ChatGPT, startups should consider implementing broader technology systems that bring AI-powered data into a context that empowers human decision-making. Striking the right balance between data and human judgment is critical in making informed decisions to enable this process.

Create a framework for AI to thrive

To fully utilise technological advancements, it is vital to consider AI as a tool rather than a comprehensive solution. AI tools are valuable in processing and analysing large amounts of data, but they work best when used with other technology applications that provide context to decision-makers. The integration of AI into smartphones' user-friendly interfaces for simple tasks like ordering food, making a bank transfer, or booking a ride is a prime illustration of how businesses can learn from consumer technology. By seamlessly incorporating AI-powered data into a user-friendly interface, the end user is presented with an interactive and intuitive solution.

It is equally important to provide employees with training to help them understand how to use these tools effectively. Otherwise, businesses risk confusion and data overload; there will be too much noise and not enough signal. A smarter approach is to offer a guided and gentle path to digitalisation rather than overwhelming employees with too many new solutions. This is something to work on over time and involves a strategic approach that offers the necessary infrastructure and training programs to develop a skilled workforce capable of utilising digitally augmented solutions. By nurturing a skilled workforce and integrating AI into a user-friendly interface, startups can level up their operational efficiency and ensure they get the most out of their data.

Don't fall for the AI hype: building the foundations for optimal utilisation

Startups that take advantage of good technology can gain significant advantages in terms of efficiency, productivity, and operational management. However, it's important to view AI and ChatGPT as tools rather than comprehensive solutions. Decision-making requires finding the right balance between data and human judgment to make informed decisions that are accurate, ethical, and lead to scalable outcomes. Startups can introduce digital technologies gradually to help employees adapt and make the most of the new tools and processes.

Operational planning applications offer a suite of features that bring AI-powered data into a context that makes sense for decision-makers, resulting in improved efficiency and productivity. Startups can stay ahead of the competition by nailing the basics and learning to run before they rely solely on robots.

Luigi Mantellassi is the CEO and Executive Sponsor of Planisy.