Some companies had to change drastically their marketing mix, for example, moving from outdoor advertising to online performance campaigns. Other companies had to reimagine their entire creative processes, encountering many unexpected hurdles. For instance, one consumer goods startup had to shoot a commercial with the help of a laptop and a camera when a model was located thousands of miles away.

However, with some planning, creativity and collaboration, it is possible to execute effective and engaging campaigns that reach your target audience and achieve your goals.

Here are four tips to help you manage your marketing campaigns remotely as an early-stage company:

1. Define your campaign objectives according to your marketing strategy

One of the most important steps in planning a successful marketing campaign is to define your campaign objectives according to your marketing strategy. This means that you need to have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve with your campaign, such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or boosting sales. You also need to identify who your target audience is and what their needs and preferences are.

By having a clear and specific strategy for your campaign objectives, you will be able to align your team members around a common vision, allocate your budget and resources effectively, and communicate your value proposition clearly and persuasively to your potential customers.

2. Establish a communication system throughout your project's roadmap

This means selecting the most appropriate ways to reach and engage your target market, product or service, and budget. For example, if you are targeting a young and tech-savvy audience, you may want to leverage social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok, where you can showcase your brand personality and create viral content.

If you are offering a B2B solution for data analytics, you may want to use email marketing or webinars, where you can demonstrate your product capabilities.

You also need to choose the right tools to create and manage your campaign content, such as Canva for graphic design or HubSpot for CRM. These tools can help you save time, optimize your results, and measure your performance.

3. Decide on the formats of collaboration with agencies and freelancers

If you are working remotely, you need to put more efforts into maintaining regular and effective communication with your team members and partners. This will help you align your goals, strategies, and tasks, as well as monitor the progress and performance of the campaign.

To facilitate collaboration, you can use various online tools that suit your needs and preferences. For example, you can use Slack or Zoom for instant messaging and video conferencing, Trello or Asana for project management, and Google Docs or Dropbox for file sharing. These tools will enable you to exchange information, feedback, and ideas in real time or asynchronously.

Moreover, if you need extra help or expertise for some aspects of the campaign, you can also outsource some tasks or hire freelancers. By collaborating with your team and partners effectively, you can ensure that your digital marketing campaign runs smoothly and achieves its desired outcomes.

4. Monitor and optimise your campaign performance

This means that you need to track how your campaign is reaching and engaging your target audience, and what results it is generating for your business. You can use various tools and methods to measure different aspects of your campaign performance, such as impressions, clicks, conversions, ROI.

For example, you can use Google Analytics to track the traffic and behavior of your website or social media visitors who came from your campaign. You can also collect feedback from your customers or prospects through surveys or reviews to understand their satisfaction and preferences.

Based on the data and insights you gather, you can make adjustments to improve your campaign effectiveness and efficiency. For instance, you can change your ad copy, design, targeting, budget, or channels to optimize your reach and conversion rates. By monitoring and optimising your campaign performance regularly, you can ensure that you are achieving your marketing goals and maximising your return on investment.

Svetlana Stotskaya is a consultant with deep expertise in strategic marketing and brand management