Your mission statement is meant to direct your company’s activities and give a reason for your employees to perform their roles well. Essentially, it gives your brand a purpose to exist and function. Without further ado, here’s the ultimate guide on how to write a mission statement.

Consult examples of mission statements

First, it’s a good idea to consult examples of mission statements from well-known brands to have an idea of what your mission statement could potentially sound like:

  • Starbucks. To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighbourhood at a time.
  • Nike. To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world. If you have a body, you are an athlete.
  • Facebook – To give people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.
  • IKEA – To create a better everyday life for many people.
  • Sony – To be a company that inspires and fulfills your curiosity.
  • Tesla. To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.
  • Microsoft. To enable people and businesses throughout the world to realise their full potential.
  • Google. To organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Understand the key elements of a mission statement

Every well-written mission statement is made up of four key elements:

  • Value. What is your company’s value (to employees and customers)?
  • Inspiration. Why would people want to work for your organization?
  • Plausibility. How can you make your mission statement sound reasonable?
  • Specificity. How can you connect your mission statement back to your business?

Determine your business goals beforehand

A very good tactic is to determine your business goals before you start writing your mission statement. This way, you will already have a direction in mind because you will know what you and your team are working towards. A mission statement will simply summarise all your goals into a single statement of purpose.

Make sure to think long-term – you want your mission statement to serve you well for years if not decades. This is particularly important if you will be using it in marketing. A strong mission statement could define your brand image and set your company up for success as a result of this effective branding.

Consider outsourcing the writing

If you are unsure about your writing abilities, you can always consider outsourcing. You can check the writing services site GrabMyEssay to find a writer who will help you craft the perfect mission statement for your company.

By working with an experienced writer, you will have a truly qualified person helping you create a mission statement that will fit your company perfectly. On your own, you may not be able to do this well, especially if you have never written much before and don’t have any experience specifically with mission statements.

Describe what your company does

Once you start writing your mission statement, the first thing you will need to do is describe what your company does. What kind of products or services does it offer? Which industry and niche does it operate in? How long has it been around? What image has it already built for itself during that time? Answering these questions will make it easier for you at this stage.

Explain how your company does it

Next, you will need to explain how your company does what it does. How do you create your products or services? How do you pursue your business goals (defined earlier)? If your company has been around for a while, how did it come to where it is now? Where do you want to go next?

Add why your company does it

The third thing you should do is add why your company does what it does. Why do you work in your specific niche? Why do you offer the products or services that you offer? Which goals are you trying to achieve? Why do they matter to you and your team? Why was the company created in the first place?

Follow best practices when writing

When writing your mission statement, aim to follow these best practices that will help you craft a better statement:

  • Remember the key elements of a mission statement.
  • Keep your mission statement short and concise.
  • Get to the point and remove any unnecessary words.
  • Don’t make it too limiting – aim for flexibility.
  • Consider changing it over time as your brand evolves.

Get feedback on your mission statement

Before you start using your mission statement, make sure to get feedback on it. You can get in touch with the custom paper writing service reviews site and find a writer or editor who will give you tips on how to improve your mission statement or even improve it for you.

You should also get feedback on it from your own employees and make any necessary adjustments. In fact, it’s best to brainstorm how you can write it along with your team members, but if you didn’t do that earlier, you can still get feedback from them now.

Put your mission statement to use

Finally, start using your mission statement. You can use it internally to organise, motivate, and inspire your employees. But you can also use it externally for things like communication with customers and content marketing among other things. A mission statement can help you connect with your audience because it shows what your company stands for and why customers should care about your brand.

All in all, a mission statement is definitely necessary no matter what your company does or how big it is. You and your team need to have a sense of purpose, and a mission statement will provide one for you.