Anonymous venture capitalist (VC) review site Landscape has launched a new service that looks to highlight the best VCs based on anonymous founder feedback, called Landscape Lists. 

The first list is drawn from 200 reviews and 200 investor profiles and names the top 20 European seed investors. The entire list can be found below. 

Since its launch in 2020, Landscape has expanded its services to include an anonymous founders slack community, a founder discount marketplace, and OpenScout, a new Scout-as-a-Service offering that is due to launch this year. 

“Since starting Landscape I’ve always said our review site isn’t just about helping founders avoid the bad actors, but also about highlighting the most founder friendly investors out there,” commented Joe Perkins, founder of Landscape Lists. “Landscape Lists is our next step in helping founders connect with the best investors.” 

Landscape Lists want to develop their offering by publishing lists specifically tailored to feedback criteria or demographics. As such, lists that chart the “Top Funds for Female Founders” or “Europe’s Most Supportive Investors” are expected in the future. New lists will be added to the Landscape site and reviewed every three months as reviews grow.

The first Landscape List, charting the Top 20 European Seed Funds can be found below, in a list that is unranked and alphabetical. 

Outsized Ventures (Previously Luminous Ventures)

Change Ventures

Nucleus Capital

Ada Ventures

Talis Capital


MSM fund (Mustard Seed MAZE)

Kindred Capital

Contrarian Ventures 

Charlotte Street

Hoxton Ventures

Calm/Storm Ventures

SMOK Ventures

Episode 1 Ventures


Playfair Capital

Connect Ventures

Praetura Ventures

7percent Ventures
