Chip aims to become UK’s next fintech unicorn

First up is Chip, who have remarkably exceeded their £1M target by £4.7M, with four days left to invest. Confident investing supports Chip’s open ambition of being the UK’s next fintech unicorn

Chip wants to help users get a bit more back from their savings than the negligible interest rates offered on conventional savings accounts. Chip is an iOS and Android app that offers the best savings rates in the market, negotiated by Chip with the banks themselves. 

Chip is expanding fast, onboarding 1-2k customers a day. There is even a planned crypto launch by the end of the year, FCA application pending. Their last crowdfund was the biggest in the platform's history, their current fundraise is heading in that direction.

Do you like the sound of a pay-as-you-go personal nutritionist? Then take a look at Odhealth

Instagram models, online conspiracies, and celebrity-endorsed health fads have confused the average person looking to maintain a healthy and nutritious diet. To prove the point, people have been counting calories since 1917, yet obesity rates have risen 220% since 1980. 

Odhealth are trying to counter the paradox by making it easy and affordable to hire a personal nutritionist. They’re already the #1 brand following a ‘book a nutritionist’ google search, having targeted in-market UK consumers who collectively carry out over 80,000 nutritionist Google searches every month. 

By offering both pay-as-you-go and monthly subscription options that start from just £35, Odhealth is aiming to become the UK’s number one nutritionist brand before targeting the £189B global opportunity in the weight loss market.

They have currently raised just over half of their £150K target, with 29 days left to invest.

Cabrito wants to get Britain eating goat

Next up on the plate is Cabrito, the company that wants to get Britain eating eat goat. The idea behind the company is simple: male goats are currently euthanised at birth because they do not produce milk and are therefore of little use to the UK dairy industry. Instead of euthanising them at birth, Cabrito wants to rear goats for meat! 

Cabrito are on a journey to turn a waste product of the dairy industry into an asset for farmers and a bonus option for UK consumers. 

They are currently £50K off their £250K target with 8 days left to invest. Following the investment round, they plan to move into a purpose-built butchery unit with a packing and distribution area, improve customer service, expanding operations, and continuing to serve the retail and wholesale markets.