Reconnect with your team

Having a connected team can lead to improved productivity, increased job satisfaction and boost people’s overall happiness. It is even more important in a hybrid world, as while some might argue they’re always online and connected to colleagues, very few of our interactions at work are meaningful.

To help bring teams together and get the conversation flowing, try hosting a team building activity over lunch. It could be through creativity exercises – or ‘off duty’ activities that allow coworkers to learn while sharing a few laughs. For example, Kaido Challenges encourage staff to have a go at yoga or pilates, experiment with bodyweight exercises, or try meditation and mindfulness for the first time.

Share an uplifting experience

Employees feel happy when they understand their part in the bigger picture. In fact, the A.T. Kearney study suggests that ‘joy stems from believing one’s work is truly meaningful’. Team volunteering or charitable efforts can help others, bring out the best in your staff and deliver a lasting sense of shared satisfaction. Investing in your team’s pride, happiness and joy has never been more vital.

Don’t forget to thank people for a job well done 

Gratitude for good work can go a long way towards elevating happiness, fulfilment and enthusiasm among employees but it can be easy to forget to tell someone their work is good when we’re up against deadlines. Try and take a few minutes out of your day to recognise the ways your team has contributed to department and corporate goals and publicly celebrate successes.

Help others

Lending a helping hand to someone in need or simply acting in a more thoughtful manner goes a long way in creating a positive atmosphere and even gives you a warm glow. It can be a small gesture like offering to get the tea in, through to helping pick up work when a colleague is up against a deadline - every little helps, and you never know, you might even make them smile.

Kaido is a team building and culture platform.