For this reason, we suggest reading on to define what constitutes a great event that everyone would be happy to visit.

First things first, people never appreciate anything more than thoughtfulness, so make sure that your event is well-planned and every guest of yours will have a quality time. So not only does the reason or the theme of your event matter but also your approach to it.

The brave new world of social media marketing

Let us figure out the very idea of social media marketing. Social media marketing is all about reaching people on a whole new level. If the classical media market on TV and press is used to keep the distance between the advertiser and a potential customer, social media marketing has gained incredible popularity for being conceptually opposite and is now believed to be the most powerful marketing tool ever.

Now let's see how it works. We all know that before the idea of social media marketing, there first appeared the concept of social media, which meant the ability of people to share non-commercial content.

However, quite rapidly, people started recognising social media and its more personal approach as a great business and marketing platform for attracting customers.

Nevertheless, the reason for such outstanding growth was the concept of social media. It became very effective to place any sort of advertising on this canvas of informal, friendly communication. All because the advertisements did not look like the part of the campaign anymore. It seemed to be more like another post with useful information bloggers always used to share.

Social media marketing can become a magic wand in the right hands

So it is an obvious statement that social media marketing can become a true magic wand in the right hands. Yet, you still have to work hard on arranging your event before employing social media marketing powers to invite some guests.

There are numerous blacklists of businesses, products, and service providers one must never work with to keep the reputation clean. And it looks like, due to the high pressure in this industry, those rules are only getting more strict all the time.

Because the audience there has recently become incredibly selective in terms of advertising content.

All these factors spell a lot of requirements for anything advertised on any social media platform. Some bloggers may even want to see all the preparations and scripts for the event before considering promoting it.

But of course, we are sure that your event is going to be mind-blowing, and it is just the right time for you to look through the most effective social media marketing strategies that can be used to increase the public interest in your event. We have put together the top 10 tips to set you straight on expanding any event attendance through social media marketing. Read on!

  1. Once you choose to take a step into the world of social media, popular bloggers and influencers are your best friends. Do not take these bloggers for granted. They are the phenomenal result of the social media concept. These are people who make money by writing posts and sharing their thoughts. Their recommendations are accepted by the audiences similarly to how people perceive friendly recommendations. This means that a blogger’s job is to inform people about things based on their subjective perspective. One can say that to have an opinion and share it is their job. The more emotionally they express either positive or negative thoughts about anything, the more striking it is for their audience, and the more influential their content eventually gets.
  2. We also have to mention paid advertising throughout the social media, including Facebook home page, Facebook stories, Instagram paid posts, Instagram stories, etc., or the local target advertising based on the particular location you might need. It may work well if your strategy is to invite people who live or work in a particular area.
  3. It is also necessary to work on your social media accounts dedicated to the event long before the due date. If you are lucky with the project and acting wisely, you can find some new sponsors and opportunities this way.
  4. Speaking of social media accounts, it is beyond important to follow the first rule of a successful online presence -- post regularly! You do not have to make every post informative; some of them can merely serve a goal of creating an intrigue (you can eventually make a “countdown” post like an event logo or an image commented like “See you in 3 days…” or something like this).
  5. Make sure you incorporate all the powers of your social media accounts. It is not enough to only make regular posts, but work on your multimedia presence. If you are using the Instagram account, you should regularly post both photos and videos (you can upload the event preparations' sneak peek videos). Do not forget to invest your time and resources in stories format as well!
  6. Once the public interest in your event is beginning to increase, and you start to get questions from your potential guests, you can make live streaming to answer their questions. It will also work well in terms of taking a personal approach, meaning that the audience will see committed enthusiasts behind the promotion campaign.
  7. Create a unique hashtag to easily find all the social media posts dedicated or connected to your event. It is also going to work as an efficient and catchy motto for your event. However, make sure that the hashtag is appealing and easy to remember.
  8. Add the option of visiting your event online. The months we spent in a lockdown showed us the importance of being able to attend events online. Some people would be afraid to visit any public events due to the pandemic, and others would not be able to participate because of their tight schedule. For this reason, if you only make an offline version of your event -- you automatically cut off a lot of guests. So make sure your event could be streamed live.
  9.  It will also be a great idea to use the backlinks service to ensure that your event promotion campaign runs successfully online.
  10. You will get the greatest boost if you start early. No matter how active your event promoting campaign is, you will never get the best possible results if you started two weeks before the due date. The best way is to start from 8 to 6 weeks before the event.

Nothing will make people spend their time on a poorly planned event

We hope that this article was helpful to you. Wishing the best of luck with all of your events and promotion campaigns. Make sure you skilfully implement social media marketing tools and remember that nothing is going to make people spend their time on something that is not worth it.