Although they may not have the pizzazz and recognition that come with big organisations. Still, it can provide you with several real-life experiences that you might not get elsewhere. From my experience, it is not your traditional internship that is usually filled with coffee runs and not being sure what to do with yourself. I quickly found that working at a startup was hands-on learning of what it takes to run a small business and being an entrepreneur. So today, I’ll be sharing five reasons every student should try to work in a startup.

  1. You get to try out several possible career paths

An interesting prospect about working with a startup is that it gives you a glimpse into possible career paths. As a student, you’re probably still unsure of the path to take when you graduate. For example, an intern in a digital marketing start-up could be given a content writing task, be asked to carry out market research, and then analyse customer data. Here you would have experienced a glimpse of what a career in writing, research, and analysis looks like.

Being exposed to these possible options makes it easier for you to make a decision when the time comes. Even when you do not follow any of these parts, you still pick skills and lessons that come in handy for team collaboration.

  1. You can make visible impact

The close-knit nature of startup teams enables a student to feel seen rather than like a cog in a wheel. You will be easily carried along and your input and impact will be visible. Every little task you contribute to translates into something new.

There is also room to learn quickly when you have increased chances and are carried along. It also provides clear and immediate insight into the effectiveness of the work you put in. And of course, the feeling of immense job satisfaction is often next to none.

I recall interning at a finance startup where my first task was to write an article on Budgeting For Remote Teams: 5 Rules For Beginners. It was a pretty daunting task, being my first. However, I felt visible and valued. More so, the guidance and commendation while I worked on the article and once it got posted on the company website was amazing.  

  1. You learn about entrepreneurship 

As a student, during your time working at a startup, you have a higher chance of working closely with top management. Such proximity gives you a firsthand experience of what it takes to be an entrepreneur. It broadens your mind and helps you to discover skills and strengths you probably weren’t aware you had.

By having such direct access you also get a better sense of what it takes to scale a business. This could include, hiring staff, developing strategies, and establishing a brand identity. The more you engage you’re allowed to propose innovative ideas that benefit the business. Such an experience is bound to give you more confidence in becoming an entrepreneur when you’re ready.

  1. You’ll get real responsibilities and spot-on experience

The early stage of a startup is critical and time is usually very valuable. Thus the teams are always up and running and as a student working with one, you get right into the mix of things. The immediate projects are ones that directly impact users. Hence, you’ll be given real responsibilities. The beauty of this is that you’ll be nurtured and mentored as you go along. Such hands-on tasks can help create a well-rounded learning experience.

Imagine working for custom paper writing Best Writers Online and the first feature you work on gets published. Not only will you learn to work through first-time jitters, but you'll also do so with real responsibilities while gaining hands-on experience.

  1. You build great contacts and networks

Startups usually have a small workforce. Therefore it is easy to get a chance to know everyone while you are there. These contact and networks can come in handy sooner than you’ll imagine. Whether they turn into great friends or business contacts you must build and nurture these contacts.

Remember, startups begin with the goal of growing into big companies. Consider if you worked for a startup writing review website like Online Writers Rating. And then down the line, it becomes a more enormous, successful business. The networks you would have made would include key industry experts that can give you invaluable advice for your career and future.


Getting a job as a student gives you some great experiences. And one at a start-up can be even more fulfilling. There is so much to learn directly from the management team. Also, you get to do real work and build lifelong contacts and networks. All these come in handy to help create a clearer and more fulfilling career path when you graduate.

Frank Hamilton has been working as an editor at essay review service Writing Judge . He is a professional writing expert in such topics as blogging, digital marketing and self-education. He also loves traveling and speaks Spanish, French, German and English.