Social media failed in duty of care over Capitol Hill riot

We should be shocked at the scenes in Washington DC, of protesters storming the Capitol building in an attempt to stop Congress from validating the election of Joe Biden as the next president. These are appalling scenes and an attack on a fair election in one of the world’s great democracies. However, we should not be surprised that this has happened. Read the full article via The Times.

US allies concerned about fallout of Capitol Hill riots

The executive director of the Berlin-based Aspen Institute Germany, Stormy-Annika Mildner, tells DW that political stability in the US is crucial for nation's most important trading partners. Watch the video via DW.

Post-riot, the Capitol Hill IT staff faces a security mess

In the aftermath of destructive riots that trashed the United States Capitol on Wednesday, the nation is grappling with questions about the stability and trajectory of US democracy. But inside the Capitol building itself, the congressional support staff is dealing with more immediate logistics, like cleanup and repairs. A crucial part of that: the process of securing the offices and digital systems after hundreds of people had unprecedented access to them. Read the full article via WIRED.

Facebook, Twitter, Google face calls to ban trump from accounts

Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc. and Alphabet Inc.’s Google are facing mounting pressure from lawmakers, activists and civil rights groups to enact tougher policies and more forcefully purge misleading content and accounts – including the ones held by President Donald Trump – after a mob of pro-Trump protesters stormed the U.S. Capitol. Read the full article via Bloomberg.

Open-source sleuths are already unmasking the Capitol Hill mob

In early November, Derrick Evans was elected as a Republican state delegate in West Virginia. Two months later he was part of the mob that stormed the US Capitol. As he walked through the corridors, Evans streamed live on Facebook. “Derrick Evans is in the Capitol!” he shouted. “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe we’re in here right now!” Read the full article via WIRED.