With universities affected and graduate recruitment prospects threatened, young adults have seen their livelihoods hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. Recent unemployment statistics reveal that employment among 16-24 years olds is at a record low. On top of this, 72% of students feel they do not have the required digital skills for the world of work - a symptom of a wider experience gap that is, according to Accenture, costing employers £141B a year. 

Here to help is Bright Network, a bespoke tech platform that connects young people with top career opportunities. Its Tech Academy on January 7th, with the aim of helping 100,000 students ‘upskill’ for free over the course of the next five years. Signs point to it becoming the largest free digital skills training programme for (under)graduates in the UK. 

Participants will receive free software training - learning to use coding languages such as Python3. Thousands will be given the opportunity to enrol in a 12-week Full Stack Web Development boot camp. Learning skills via Bright Network’s Tech Academy is expected to lead to placements and eventual employment at large and fast-growing businesses - such as Google, Capgemini and Accenture. 

According to James Uffindell, Founder and CEO of Bright Network: 

“Our Technology Academy provides a solution to any graduate looking to secure employment, at a time in which we know the jobs market has been impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. We provide this training at no cost to graduates, and with no obligation to take up the role we provide them with, while our Bootcamp aims to supercharge the supply of top-in-class software developers, and increase diversity in this crucial profession.

“Given the uncertainty facing the UK’s economy, it’s more important than ever that we ensure our graduates are as work-ready as possible, and that we’re supporting employers by ensuring a sufficient supply of bright, skilled graduates to drive the next phase of growth for the UK’s tech ecosystem.”