Recognised by Gartner as a Visionary and crowned by IDC as both a Leader and the fastest-growing global commerce platform, VTEX has announced its VTEX Accelerator programs. The 3-tier project, which targets startups and professionals alike, aims to further accelerate the development of global ecommerce markets with an emphasis on collaboration.

The 6-month Incubator Program is open to startups up to six months old that possess an outline or an MVP of their innovative solution. It focuses on expediting ecommerce ideas into tangible form and setting a robust foundation to the proposed solutions.

The 4-month Accelerator Program is aimed at startups between six and twelve months old that have already materialized their ideas into an MVP or a first version of the solution. Participants will have a chance to test and build upon their existing infrastructure.

Three startups will be selected to take part in each of the programs starting on December 21st and will benefit from $10,000 USD equity-free grants, access to angel investors, admissions to major ecommerce events, expert mentorship, fully-funded scholarships, access to co-working spaces and VTEX tools.

VTEX Accelerator also includes a Talent Program directed at professionals hoping to become well-versed in digital commerce and ultimately pursue a career in the field. With scholarships, courses and exclusive events at their disposal, participants will be able to upgrade their knowledge and significantly strengthen their résumés.

“VTEX is proud to introduce the VTEX Accelerator initiative as the next step in our mission to develop a global digital commerce ecosystem,” says Marcos Pueyrredon, Global VP at VTEX. “We are committed to broaden our company’s horizons by continuously searching for the best technological solutions out there – or not yet there. These programs will lend a helping hand to bold thinkers and then welcome them at VTEX, a place where innovation is at home. Most importantly, however, by connecting and nurturing brilliant minds, we are hoping to foster collaboration, an essential element for the current and future survival of commerce businesses everywhere.”