As we embrace this new culture of remote collaboration, we face several hiring challenges, and finding the right talent on-demand becomes complicated and extremely time-consuming.

A new way to hire marketing talent

Adadot, a SaaS startup based out of the UK, has developed an automated workflow with a set of tools to help companies assemble a remote stackable team for any marketing project. To address today’s quickly evolving workplace, this startup is creating a global community of pre-vetted marketers, media buyers and creative professionals. And by pinpointing the most qualified candidate that meets your project requirements, Adadot makes the hiring process fast, efficient and flexible.

A worldwide community of marketing talent 

Whether you are looking to find a freelancer for a specific project or assemble a full-stack marketing team, the ‘ada’ algorithm will pull together a group of senior experts that match your request.

“Something that is becoming more and more important for high performing teams: removing bias. Our matching is done on a number of skills-based factors removing any other bias around colour, gender, age, or location.” – Alex Harris, Founder at Adadot

CMO services on demand

For the companies that are looking to figure out their marketing goals and develop a holistic marketing strategy, the CMO service is a great place to start. A dedicated CMO can advice you on channels, budgets, goals and team structure.

Skills-based hiring is a new normal

There’s never been a higher demand for quality marketing talent than there is now. In order to produce thriving marketing initiatives, companies requite to hire specialists from different areas of expertise. Whether you are thinking to launch a multicultural campaign, looking to take advantage of a new media channel or planning to produce more B2B content, Adadot can be your single source of truth for hiring marketing talent.

This article was originally published on ParlayMe.