News by Maddyness
17 October 2020
17 October 2020
Temps de lecture : 3 minutes
3 min

Crowdfunding now: a kitchen composter, advertising for creatives & the 'perfect sustainable fashion platform'

Every week, Maddyness brings you MaddyCrowd, revealing our selection of projects available on crowdfunding platforms. Here's this week's selection.
Temps de lecture : 3 minutes

There’s nothing more gross than the food waste bin, but left to rot without intervention, your vegetable odds and ends would be emitting methane – which is 25 times more harmful than carbon dioxide. So how do you stay clean and green? 

KALEA is a fully automatic kitchen composter, which unites a natural composting process with unique and smart technology. It promises to turn your food waste - whether that’s meat, fish, dairy or fruit and veg - into compost in just 48 hours. 

Rather than creating ‘fertiliser’ like other products on the market, KALEA makes organic compost with your scraps. If mixed with earth, this gives an immediate boost to your plants - whether you’re growing carrots on a veg patch of nurturing a bedside cactus collection - and realises its nutritional potential.

The scientists, engineers and gardeners behind KALEA are based in Germany and are already overfunding on Kickstarter with over 30 days left to go.

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Now onto a different type of feed. 

Feed is a platform that automates digital advertising for creators, enabling them to grow an audience and build their businesses. 

Artists, musicians, writers and so on would much rather be honing their craft than spending time and money trying to get to grips with the complexities of online advertising. All Feed needs is a social media account and a budget. With that, it can create ads and, in turn, conjure up swathes of loyal fans. 

Designed with cost accessibility in mind, Feed plans to charge a service fee on this ad budget - rather than requiring a subscription. Its beta version has 500 users, and 100% of those that gave feedback on the pricing model approved. 

Feed was after £50K when it listed on Crowdcube, but has already raised £112,318 and counting. Funds will be spent on launching the paid version of Feed on Q4.
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Following investment from Bethnal Green Ventures, Nuw is on a mission to reduce waste in the fashion industry. It’s been declared the ‘perfect sustainable fashion platform’ by IMAGE and is currently trying to raise an additional £115K on Seedrs. 

Nuw encourages its users to take a so-called ‘open relationship’ approach to their wardrobe, rather than succumbing to fast fashion and its discontents. You can lend to and borrow from friends and people in your local area, and also permanently swap items if you really do end up falling in love. 

Nuw is already revenue-generating and anticipates a bright future in the secondhand clothing industry, due to triple to 1.5 times the size of the new market by 2029. Its engaged and open online community - facilitated by digital brand ambassadors and a token system - is one of the program’s biggest assets. 

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Photo credit:
Unsplash © Scott Webb
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