• The Manic Street Preachers are set to play two free arena concerts to support NHS Wales in December.
  • The highest-ever resolution images of the sun have been revealed by scientists at the University of Central Lancashire. Read more on Al Jazeera.
  • Cards for Humanity have rushed out their new family friendly, printable-at-home edition. You can download it here.
  • Krispy Kreme giving free donuts to health workers... in the US. Read more on The Independent.
  • As the lockdown to stop the spread of coronavirus in India continues, pollution levels across much of the country have dropped sharply. Now some residents in northern India say they can see the snow-capped Himalayas 200 kilometres away for the first time in 30 years. Read the story here.
  • EE is offering all their customers working for the NHS free data until October. More info here.
  • There may be no sporting fixtures on the agenda, but Ben Stokes has been named as the leading cricketer in the world by Wisden.
  • If you have been stockpiling Cadbury's Creme Eggs, there's some really good news as The Creme Egg cookbook is now available. See more on the Huffington Post.
  • It's a great time to start bird watching. Find out why on the BBC.
  • Michael Bublé and his wife Luisana are doing daily livestreams with cooking, exercise, entertainment and games. Find out more here.
  • In America, social-distancing is leading to a renaissance for Drive-In theatres. Read more at Atlas Obscura.
  • A new Reddit community r/quarantineactivities has started and shows the incredible things people are finding to do to keep themselves busy.
  • McSweeney's have released their adult, yes "adult" activity book for the self-quarantined. You can find it here.
  • There has been a contest asking people to create miniature versions of their dream homes in clay.
  • Although it's been cancelled, there is an upside as the exhibitors that would have been at the Chelsea Flower Show are selling their plants! Find out more here.
  • There are reports of a man in Manchester driving around in his van giving away free cannabis and toilet paper. Read more on Vice.
  • A couple of artists have created a tiny gerbil museum showcasing famous rodent artworks from Da Vinci to Van Gogh. Read more on Design Boom.
  • Looking to stay (or become) creative? Parsons School of Design wants to document the objects of our collective isolation. People are invited to share a photo of nine objects whose meaning has changed during lockdown for The Atlas of Everyday Objects. Read more at It's Nice That.
  • And if you need more creative inspiration, Artist Max Siedentopf has compiled an amusing list of survival challenges to help life in lockdown. Read more at Dezeen and buy the ebook from Hatje Cantz.