News by Maddyness
14 April 2020
14 April 2020
Temps de lecture : 4 minutes
4 min

19 more business pivots

COVID-19 is forcing companies to adapt quickly to change and redesign their products or services or even create new ones to respond to the demands of millions of people self-isolating around the world. Maddyness has selected more examples of these pivots from the UK and beyond.
Temps de lecture : 4 minutes

Companies have no choice but to adapt during the Coronavirus pandemic. While some businesses have shut down or suspended their activities, others are aiming to benefit from the outbreak through change and innovation…

Hammock have built SOS Supplies a platform to connect distributors and suppliers of hygiene equipment with the charities and healthcare workers that desperately need them, and rather than profiteering (although they they sold £100k of PPE in a week) the pricing is fair and often free. Their Twitter shows how they're helping, and gives you the opportunity to get involved.

Car & Away have created Karshare and aims to establish a fleet of 10,000 cars, on loan from members of the local community, to be used by charity workers, food bank and NHS volunteers, health workers, care workers and food banks absolutely free of charge.

? Medshr, used by 1M doctors worldwide, has created, an anonymous survey to provide healthcare services with up-to-date, free, non-commercial, anonymous data to track the spread of the virus. Read more on Techcrunch here.

? Globacap the blockchain-based capital markets platform has announced that it will provide free-of-charge fundraising services for startups doing crucial work on COVID-19 solutions that are in need of capital.

? Tinto connects mums with like-minded parents and medical professionals to support them through a number of areas including postnatal depression and breastfeeding. The team, including one of the founding AI team at Babylon health, have worked round the clock to release the app early to support mums struggling during isolation and whose antenatal classes have been cancelled. Available in the app store now.

? This crisis will test even the biggest brands. Some companies have been responding with rebranding efforts that support the need to stay at home and practice social distancing. See more at Dezeen.

? Kid's party planners Sharky & George are now offering online virtual parties and Isolation Birthday Boxes for children celebrating their birthdays in lockdown.

? Pluto a company providing travel insurance for millennials has been hit hard by the crisis but the team are using the time wisely to build a complementary product called 'Pinboard' in which users can share their personal travel recommendations and tips to make their next trip the very best.

David Shrigley's collaboration with Ruinart continues but has taken the moment to send a message of optimism.

?  Starling Bank can now issue a spare debit card for trusted people who may be doing shopping on your behalf. Read more here.

Led by customers asking if they could continue their wine tasting sessions online, Club Vino, more used to running real-life events in top Manchester hotels, now offer their clients a tasting box supported with tasting notes, food pairing suggestions and a video explaining the history of the wines.

Goldilocks Entertainment, a children’s entertainment business has decided to pivot its business by keeping young people inside during the coronavirus lockdown. Headquartered in London the company has transferred its business online and is now holding children’s parties over Zoom, the digital communication platform.

?  Facebook launches Tuned, a scrapbook messaging app just for couples. The NPE team’s latest venture is a messaging app meant only for you and your significant other.

? Online auctions are nothing new, but for Auction Collective the need to switch to online-only because of COVID-19 came about in under a week. Auctions are live-streamed and they even offer downloadable bidding paddles to be used during the sales.

? Once the go-to platform for things to get out and do with your kids, Kidadl's new homepage launched for lockdown now lists over 1500 free activities and resources making family life in lockdown much easier.

? Collectiv Food, originally a food procurement platform for restaurants, has partnered with Farmdrop and now offers fresh and quality meat, fish, plant-based alternatives and desserts delivered to your home in London.

? Encore, a platform for booking musicians, has launched a new initiative that allows customers to book artists to create personalised music videos for friends and loved ones.

? Not really a pivot, more of a rapid growth plan, but Uber Eats has rushed the global launch of its Uber Eats for Business. Catering to employers looking to feed their employees remotely.

? The Grand National has been run with a computer simulation, Potters Corner won after the big race was cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemic.

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