Team building has 3 main cycles, the first one starts when we need to hire Talent and build a team, then we must make sure each team member understands their role and added value while being able to work together, and at last to maintain and grow the team for maximum productivity.

Benefits of working in a team?

    • Dividing workload helps you grow your professional competencies
    • Teamwork acts as a catalyst for inspiration and innovation
    • Accelerates brainstorming and problem solving
    • Increases the Happiness level of employees
    • Teamwork promotes cross-functional collaboration
    • Better results in a shorter period of time

During the hard times of COVID-19 while most companies are working remotely, it is important for us to stay close to our values and continue our work regularly. Thanks to modern technology, we can communicate easily with our teams and keep in contact regularly with all employees.

While it can be challenging during the first days to focus while working from home, staying true to your schedule and your duties will ease the transition between office and home – employers have a bigger challenge as they need to make sure their employees have the technology set up as well as motivate them regularly to make sure they are engaged.

How to maximize productivity while working from home

    • Be consistent with your working schedule
    • Get dressed
    • Check your technology set up
    • Create a small office space
    • Set distractions aside
    • Be in touch on a daily basis with colleagues/employer
    • Take small breaks every 2 hours

The significance of clear communication

Employers need to clearly communicate their expectations towards their employees while working from home to avoid misunderstandings and missed deadlines.

Here are some ways they can do so:

    • Assign responsibilities and goals to employees and make sure they are comfortable with them
    • Use project management software to oversee their progress in real time
    • Remain connected and available for communication any time
    • Pay attention to paraverbal language
    • At least once a week conduct a social video call with the team

In times of crisis, as we are experiencing now, employers and employees need to feel confident and support each other while maintaining a team spirit as this will determine the long term engagement and productivity of the company.

Daniel Naggar is the Co-Founder of Kukatree, an employee referral recruitment SaaS software provider and leader in sourcing talent by using your employees' networks to generate referrals. It's engaging, fun, and rewarding.