Analyze your website's data

First, take a look at your website analytics: what does your traffic look like? What's your bounce rate, your average time per session? Based on the metrics at your disposal, you can start identifying your audience, tracking your customers' funnels and making strategic decisions.
However, before tracking any data or defining your digital goals and tactics, it's crucial to install Google Analytics properly. To do so, you need to implement an HTML code on your website. If you use a CMS such as WordPress or Squarespace, there are some widgets that can make this process much easier.

Evaluate your benchmarking

Every business needs to research the industry it specializes in. Take a look at your competitors' brand mentions using Google Trends, as well as seasonal tendencies. For a more detailed and comprehensive analysis, SEMrush gives you access to a variety of data and insights for different markets.
For example, you can see the average cost per click or conduct a keywords research. Alternatively, Similar Web shows you stats on your competitors' website's visits and readership. Another way of watching your competitors’ digital strategy is the Facebook Ad Library on which you can check your competitors’ ads assets.

Optimize your content

To increase your SEO and ultimately your online visibility, opting for a content strategy is recommended for your business’ long term health. Defining a content plan of quality with a depth of relevant keywords will attract potential customers and create habits. Therefore, you’ll start building your authority and increasing your ranking. At first, you might find this technique time-consuming but eventually, you'll realize how fundamental it is in the long term running of your company. For example, writing knowledgeable articles and resources around your product or your industry will increase your credibility naturally and position you as an expert in your area.

Select your channels according to your strategy

Saving money on marketing also means focusing on relevant channels to promote your business. If you adopt a B to B strategy, LinkedIn Marketing Solutions could be a better fit for your digital plan. If your strategy is B to C, making a video of your product highlights can be greatly engaging across markets, supported by Facebook Ads. The Facebook Ads Manager offers many possibilities in terms of scheduling, analytics, budget management, and A/B testing (when you compare two ads against specific criteria). Setting Google Ads campaigns is another manner for your ads to show to specific targets once people search online for queries. To run your ads, you’ll need a relevant keywords list representing your product or service. Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs give you a wide variety of keywords suggestions.

Spread the word to the media

To boost your brand awareness, write a press release about any product or services' features, and add it to a detailed Press Kit. Then talk about your product to relevant journalists so they can write an article, bloggers so they can review your product, and partner with influencers so they can show your product on social media. To spot email addresses, the Hunter Chrome extension will come very handy.