Sounds simple, right? Think again. While eSIM promises effortless network switching, the reality hasn’t always lived up to the hype. The main headache for customers has been clunky onboarding due to inconsistent installation across devices. 

But here’s the thing—when it comes to new tech like eSIM, customer experience isn’t just a “nice-to-have.” It’s the make-or-break factor for winning trust and building loyalty that sticks.

So, what does it take to make the most of a new technology? Take a look at the eSIM networks leading the way in CX.

Make the process simple

Early adopters are the foundation of any new product launch. But convincing someone to move away from what they know isn’t always straightforward. 

Even though eSIM technology has been around since 2018, it’s only recently that more people have started to use it—mostly in specific situations like avoiding those pesky roaming fees. 

Travel-specific eSIM providers like Saily and Airalo are making it simple for customers to tap into eSIM technology. 

Airalo is a great example of a product that makes it really easy for customers to get started. You simply pick the country where you want a local eSIM and get going. 

While Airalo does a great job of quickly showing users the benefits of eSIM, Saily takes onboarding to the next level. The app’s clean UI makes it easy for first-time users to find their way around, and the clear on-screen instructions for network activation make for a smooth experience—something that’s often been hit-or-miss with eSIMs.

Earn instant trust

Introducing any new technology comes with a level of skepticism. Customers have their guard up, especially if they’ve faced bumps in the road before. 

Creating a simple and intuitive onboarding experience is one way to build trust, straight out the gates. But it has to go further than this.

The UK's first eSIM-only mobile network Slice has solved the challenge of building trust beyond just creating a seamless app experience. 

Rob Brock, Product Director at Slice speaks about how they treat their customers “as co-owners, empowering them to actively co-create and shape the network and its features”. 

Getting early adopters to feedback and co-create the network is a unique way to build that all-important early trust. 

Build brand loyalty

All businesses must think about how to keep customers engaged and satisfied over time. But it’s especially important for new products that need to build brand loyalty. 

eSIM experts Mindszi say eSIM is about making it quick and easy for customers to connect to mobile networks. So, it’s no surprise that Revolut, a brand known for simplifying their customer's lives, were one of the first fintechs to jump on board. 

While simplicity, trust and a smart proposition are essential, it’s moments of delight that can truly elevate a brand experience.

Slice brought digital product studio Planes on board to help them build an app that was not just frictionless but also delightful. 

Planes incorporated playful elements, such as lively loading animations that reflect Slice’s fun, approachable brand. These small but meaningful interactions can turn satisfied users into loyal advocates.

Customer experience is everything

When it comes to introducing new technology, customer experience is everything. 

If users feel confused or frustrated from the start, they’re unlikely to stick around. By prioritising simplicity, trust, and delight, businesses can turn potentially daunting technology into something users are excited to engage with.

CJ Daniel-Nield is the cofounder of Planes.