The scale of the threat 

The threat posed by deepfakes is alarming. According to recent Ofcom research, two in five people have encountered at least one deepfake in the past six months, often involving politicians or scam adverts. However, only one in ten feel confident in their ability to spot them. As deepfake technology becomes more sophisticated, its potential to inflict harm on corporate reputations grows exponentially.

Evolving capabilities, expanding risks 

Deepfakes are no longer crude manipulations; they are now highly convincing fabrications of audio, video, and images that can mimic real individuals with startling accuracy. For businesses, this means that a single well-crafted deepfake can severely undermine a carefully built reputation, spreading falsehoods across social media and possibly being picked up by news outlets at an alarming speed.   

To counter this evolving threat, businesses must adopt a proactive, multi-layered strategy that combines strategic communications, advanced monitoring systems, and robust legal action.

The cost of inaction 

The consequences of failing to address deepfakes can be very serious.TV doctors including Hilary Jones and the late Michael Mosley were deepfaked in social media campaigns promoting fraudulent health products. These AI-generated videos, falsely portraying respected medical professionals endorsing dubious treatments, not only damaged their personal reputations but also eroded public trust in legitimate medical advice. 

In another example, money expert Martin Lewis was the victim of an AI-generated scam advert for an investment app, which used deepfake technology to replicate his face and voice to suggest he had appeared on TV endorsing the product. 

Vigilance: The first line of defence 

Effective defence against deepfakes begins with vigilant monitoring. Advanced AI-powered systems can detect anomalies in audio, video, and images, allowing businesses to identify deepfake content early. By continuously scanning the digital landscape, companies can respond swiftly to emerging threats, discrediting and removing harmful content before it gains traction.

Constant vigilance ensures that businesses can stay ahead of deepfake threats, preserving their reputation by addressing potential issues before they escalate.  

Reclaiming control of the narrative 

Preparation is crucial when facing a deepfake crisis. Businesses must be ready to respond quickly and transparently, debunking false content and providing authentic, verifiable information. A well-coordinated communication strategy is essential for engaging with the public and key stakeholders, addressing concerns, and restoring trust. 

Proactive narrative control is vital. By working with communications experts, businesses can anticipate potential scenarios, develop comprehensive response plans, and ensure consistent, credible messaging across all channels. Swift action not only counters the immediate threat but also reinforces long-term trust. 

Legal action as a deterrent 

Legal recourse is another powerful tool in the fight against deepfakes. Pursuing copyright infringement claims, defamation lawsuits, and cease-and-desist orders can discredit deepfake content and compel its removal. Additionally, legal action can help recover stolen funds and hold perpetrators accountable, as seen in a recent case where fraudsters used deepfake technology to impersonate a CFO, scamming a multinational company out of $25 million. 

Such legal actions serve a dual purpose: they provide redress for the victims and send a clear message to would-be offenders that fraudulent activities will not go unpunished.


The rapid advancement of AI and deepfake technology presents a formidable challenge for today’s businesses. With fabricated narratives spreading at lightning speed and the public struggling to discern truth from falsehood, maintaining a strong reputation has become more challenging than ever.

However, by implementing a robust combination of strategic communications, advanced monitoring, and legal interventions, businesses can protect themselves against the growing threat of deepfakes. In an era where trust and credibility are indispensable, a proactive approach to safeguarding reputation is not just advisable – it is essential for the long-term success and viability of any business. 

Tim Jotischky is the Director of Reputation at The PHA Group.