My cofounder, Augustin Jossa and I spent about 10 years working with large groups and smaller brands that struggled to hire people who knew how to edit proper ads or content. They were often unable to find profiles who met the current standards for effective video editing and social media communication.

So, we conducted a market survey and discovered that only 5% of aspiring video editors or content creators were completing the online courses they had purchased. Additionally, traditional colleges were too expensive and overly theoretical.

At the same time, bootcamps were booming in the tech industry, so we thought it was time to bring something new to the creative space—an offering with a straightforward value proposition tailored to the industry.

Tell us about the business—what it is, what it aims to achieve, who you work with, how you reach customers, and so on.

We see ourselves as an online bootcamp designed to help people become exceptional video editors or content creators.

Our goal is to provide students with the most cutting-edge lessons, which is why we’ve partnered with an extensive network of professional editors. We onboarded experts from Netflix, HBO, Disney & others.

We also introduced exercises that students can work on, upload to our platform, and receive feedback on. Each assignment is thoroughly reviewed by our teachers, ensuring that the edits stand out after their revisions.

In addition, students benefit from one-on-one coaching sessions, career support, a chat system with teachers and fellow students, access to our school forum, and certification as video editors upon graduation.

How has the business evolved since its launch?

We launched just 1 and a half years ago, and it’s amazing to take a step back and see how far we’ve come. We’ve built a vibrant community of over 700 students from all around the world, including content creators, marketers, aspiring video editors, and filmmakers.

It’s incredibly fulfilling to see the transformation from a student’s first edit to their final portfolio, which is always creative, dynamic, and polished.

Tell us about the working culture at Miracamp

We prioritise a student-first policy. Our core focus is to constantly improve the student experience—whether by adding new modules or enhancing features on our platform. We make sure that students’ questions are answered quickly and that our teachers are readily available for one-on- one video calls.

Additionally, we’re a fully remote company, and we enjoy the flexibility and diversity this brings. Our team works across three different countries and includes eight different nationalities.

How are you funded?

We started by bootstrapping, and after seeing strong early results, we quickly secured seed funding. This helped us hire our first teachers and expand the program, allowing us to build a larger community of students.

What has been your biggest challenge so far, and how have you overcome it?

Our biggest challenge has been developing the syllabus—not so much the overall structure, but the details. We had to ensure that the learning curve was challenging without being overwhelming, so students would remain motivated and able to complete the program smoothly.

We’ve committed to a format that’s straightforward and bootcamp- oriented, designed to fit within 30 days for students working about 7 hours a day.

How does Miracamp meet an unmet need?

As with any learning process, you need to make mistakes, identify them quickly, and then fix them. That’s especially true for video editing—you need practice and feedback.

Our teachers spend their days reviewing every detail of each student’s video. They recommend improvements like tweaking the colour correction at 00:03, offering alternative transitions at 00:05, suggesting footage changes, and reviewing the audio and SFX.

What’s in store for the future?

We’re looking at expanding into new regions. Currently, we operate primarily in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., but we believe there’s strong demand for our format in continental Europe and Asia.

We’re also considering launching new courses for current and new students who are interested in learning topics adjacent to video editing.

What one piece of advice would you give to other founders or future founders?

There’s no secret recipe for success. You need to stay close to your customers, understand their needs and pain points, and revise your value proposition accordingly. Then, iterate—over and over again.

And finally, a more personal question: What’s your daily routine, and what rules are you living by right now?

Both my cofounder and I are young parents with little girls, so our routines are pretty packed. We try to keep workdays efficient—short meetings, learning quickly from failures—to ensure we can disconnect as much as possible when the workday ends.

It’s not always easy, especially since our company operates across multiple time zones, but we’re doing our best!

Pierre Narchi is the cofounder of Miracamp.